
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:47:22
is jack going to be at the party last night那里错了? “如果要我将你一生写成一首诗”是哪首歌的歌词呀? 英国文学新古典主义和浪漫主义. 某校九年级学生艺术体操队进行表演训练,如果排成方阵(即正方形)还多6人;如果每排减少4人,则排数是原来的2倍还少3人,求学生人数. 如果一个正比例函数图像与反比例函数y=6/x的图像交于A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)两点,那么(x1-x2)(y1-y2)=多少?刚才发错了,求(x2-x1)(y2-y1)=多少? 初中数学题目,求教!已知ƒ(x)=(x-a)(x-b)-2(a<b),并且α,β是方程ƒ(x)=0的两个根(α<β),则实数a,b,α,β的大小关系是? 题目是Welcome to Shanghai的英语作文 Welcome to shanghai 两百字英语作文 已知抛物线=1/6(x-2)(x-2t-3) (t>0) 与x轴交于a,b(点a在点b的左边),于y轴交于点c问:设三角形abc的面积为21/2,求抛物线的解析式. The brown schoolbag is mine改一般疑问句 the brown schoolbag is mine 改为一般疑问句 The mobile phone is mine改为一般疑问句 The book is not mine.改为一般疑问句 The calculator is mine 改为一般疑问句 welcome to Shanghai.welcome是什么词?谢谢.是形容词么?好像是叹词。。。 I heard the news (that a new student would join our class)这个句子我有疑问(that a new student would join our class)是补充说明THE news 为什么不是宾语补足语而是同位语呢? I heard the news that a new student would join our class 为什么用would不用will? This rad and white bag is mine.(一般疑问句)( )( )rad and white bag( This is a white bike.改为一般疑问句My chair is orange.改为一般疑问句,肯定回答 Is that a gray pencil?否定回答These books are Miss Gao's.用Whose提问This is a new door.改为否定句That's a black cat 对a black cat提问It's b 测量小组测量某水塔的影子是22.5米,同时量得附近一根3米长的标杆影长是4.5厘米.水塔高多少米? I am an exchange student majored in BA 这样说对吗,I was an exchange student majored in B.A in the University of Hong Kong这样对吗 I am __chinese.I am __chinese student A an,a B /,/ C an,/ D |,an麻烦说下理由 exchange student 前用a还是an? I am ( ) student A:a B:an 求傲慢与偏见第一句话原文是 It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.可译成 凡是富有的单身汉,肯定需要一位夫人,这已经成了举世公认的真 用一个词或一句话概括傲慢与偏见拜托各位了 3Q不可多余12个字 帮我分析一下傲慢与偏见里面的一句话You dare not,you cannot deny that you have been the principal if not the only means of dividing them from each other,of exposing one of the censure of the world for caprice and instability,the other 流行乐和摇滚乐都受年轻人的喜欢 英文翻译 用上both...and... 她英语法语都会说(用both)翻译 李丽和王娜都已经到了的英文翻译,要用上both...and... Where ( ) i ? You ( )in a new place 选词填空 am is are do does can can't 1.选词填空am is are do does can can't1.()you a policeman?No,I()not.