
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:34:46
I will also ask my English teacher for more help.什么意思 新支点初二下英语一单元I think cities will be really big and( )because there will be a lot more peop还有一道Are you ( ) in robots? 虎字头下边有个思字,左边一个金字读什么 斩字下面一个金字念什么? 金字旁虎字头下面一个男是什么字 I think plants are more important than animals. They makes me__and__.选择,谢谢a healthy;relaxed;b health;more relaxed;c healthy,more relaxed;d healthier,relaxed do you think luck and opporrtunity are more important than hard work急需英语对话 句中补语成分的词性是什么?英语中的表语和宾语补足语都是补语.ed分词的补语是相当于什么词性的呢?我列举两个例子:Many soldiers lay wounded.(主语补语即表语) 问wounded的词性 I considered the probl we think that a...are more important thanwe think that a...are more important than worda.首字母为a的单伺 列出3个句子含有补语的成分!11 被动语态在句子中充当的成分、以及补语、看下面的句子eg:Hill was declared the winnerof the fight.was declared 充当什么成分winner为什么是主语补语the fight是宾语吗 英语句子成份分析,补语还是定语1.the earth is a magnet, with the space all around it constituting a huge magnetic field. consitituting后面的分词部分,我看的书上说是space all around it的补语,我怎么觉得是定语,哪位 兔子为什么要跟嫦娥去广寒宫 “”在某方面有才干的人“”!用什么成语来表示? 表示人有才干的五个成语,除了才高八斗还有什么? 怎么写, 2007年 初一论语十则 课后题第2题怎么写啊 什么成语是在某些方面有才干的人 嫦娥为什么喜欢住在月球上?(脑筋急转弯)快······ 谁来帮我做同义句转换This box is heavier than that one.This box isn't( ) ( ) ( )that one. 汉语中如何区分状语和补语答得好的 1.加点字进行解释 2.将文中的判断句选出,并翻译成现代汉语 3.选出名词作状语的句子 4.选出带补语的句子曾子寝疾,病.乐正子春坐于床下,曾元、曾申坐于足,童子隅坐而执烛.童子曰:“华而 什么是现代汉语句子中的状语 谁能告诉我一下怎样找出句子中的状语和补语 苏州园林与北京的园林不同,极少使用绘画 是什么说明方法 叶圣陶的苏州园林里,“苏州园林与北京的园林不同,极少使用彩绘”.这句话采用了什么说明方法,和它的作用? He doesn't have money,either.肯定是对的.我想问:He has no money,too. I'Ve no money ,he doesn't have any money ,( ) .(也) He likes to have a car,____,he has no money.A.but B.and C.or D.howeverIt___him more than 3 hours to get to the small village ___the bus.A.spent,by C.took,on D.took,呜呜~ He has no money,too. 嫦娥养的兔子叫什么 兔子为什么要跟嫦娥飞上天