
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:02:20
以为题目,写一篇记叙作文,600字左右,要符合题意, 作文题意请阅读材料,写一篇作文.(麻烦大家给我找个写作的角度,我想不到,谢谢了.)材料:记者问一位画家,所有的老师当中,哪一位对画家现在取得如此成就影响最大.画家毫不犹豫的说: 材料:有一次,在学术报名会结束之际,一名年轻的女记者走上讲坛,面对已在轮椅上生活了30多年的科学巨匠霍金,深深敬仰之余,又不无悲悯地问:“霍金先生,你的病已将你永远固定在轮椅上, 英文名字读法Dorothy 请问英文名字的Dorothy正确的怎么读,要音标 1.will you ___me?I want you to ___the exam,you should___harder在___添单词 If you want to pass the exam,you should change your ___ towards school worksA opinion B attitude C principle D guidance shocking blue 的汉语意思?三枝夕夏的一首shocking blue我很喜欢, 用动词的适当形式填空,怎么理解这个句子As the years passed,many occasions—birthdays,awards,graduations ____________ (mark) with Dad's flowers. The heart is numb there is a feeling hiding in my heart语法上对不对应该是hidden in my heart还是hiding in my heart,还是都可以 如果都可以,有什么区别 lf you want to make dumplings ,you should _the meat He dream of being a teacher comes true.中he换成his,he's,hes都行,如何辨析? Dream of Being a MillionaireI think the best piece of advice for boys and girls is to work hard at school,learn the necessary skills,never give up on your dreams,and try your hardest .And if ,at first,you don't succeed,try again.I wish you good luck 把句子补充完整.这条裙子固然漂亮,( ) pandas eat bamboos(改错) Pandas eat bamboos.错什么地方了? bamboo or bamboos?Some___ are even thinner than your little finger.A.kinds of bamboo B.kinds of bamboos为什么正确答案是A,不是B呢?bamboo不是可数名词么?为什么不加s? 补充词语 ( )( )动听 ( )天( )动 美丽( )( )将词语补充完整.急用急用~还有……奇峰( )( ) ( )之有( ) They are grey pants.对grey划线提问.I do not know which one is the ringt answer. the grey shoes are sue's.(对grey提问) they sells trousers for only 30yuan对划线部分提问 trousers画线(急)!( )( )some ( )( ). The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.- Bobby Robson.此句幽默在哪?please! Some of the rubbish,such as food,17.Some of the rubbish,such as food,paper and iron,_______ away over a long period of time.A.rot B.rots C.is rotting D.are rotted主语是单数?哪个是主语? have a sore throat(中文意思) I have a sore throat.(同义句) I ____ ____ ____.(一空一词) i've seen some fine athletes,but Liu Xiang is ______ else.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something 写大好河山的俩三句优美句子 单词适当形式填空:1.The red and blue ball__(be) our sister's.2.Can you make a__(spin)?3.How many__(brush) have you got?4.___(not jump) into the pond .5.They__(doze) under the big tree.二.改句子He (plays table tennis) with Ben (in this te 已知关于x的方程x^2-2cosx+a^2=0有唯一的解,则a= 以《为了自己梦想》写一篇作文