
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 01:46:54
Artificial beautiful girl. Very common around the world. Artificial beautiful girl. What was she thArtificial beautiful girl. Very common around the world. Artificial beautiful girl. What was she thinking you know? Artificial beautiful girl. She's Ar 英语翻译为了了解这首歌~ my new house 的英语作文怎么写 We need some matches.We don`t have_____.A.much B.some C.any D.noneA和C选哪个 为什么 原因讲明白 We have got some chairs,but we still need_______.A.two more B.two another C.more two D.other two we need some sugar,we a___ need some salt根据首字母填空 Conflicts of interest may call into question the Company’s integrity.如何翻译 we call it "question mark"in English?(对划线部分"question mark"提问) Our body need ___ sugar every day;so we shouldn't have ___sweets.A.a little;a lot of B.little;too many C.a little;too many 我不同意little... Three English question!THey are easy..1.We are going to the Palace Museum with (our teacher),(对括号提问)____ are you going to the Palace Museum ____.2.( )___Why not make a cake?___OK,I'll do it _____a,right away b.just now.c,last week,d,at the 某车间有28名工人,生产一种螺栓和螺母,每人每天平均能生产螺栓12只或螺母18只,要求一个螺栓配两个螺母 某车间有100个工人,每人平均每天加工螺栓18个或加工螺母27个某车间有100个工人,每人平均每天加工螺栓18个或加工螺母24个要使每天加工的螺栓与螺母配套(一个螺栓配两个螺母)应如何分配 No,i don’t so. no,iif I don't think so? i don't think so 有首歌开头是no,i really don't think so~ 以“How to save our world”为题写一篇50词左右的英语作文提示词:bus,bike,take shorter shower,use less waterfor washing clothes,turn off,protect.不一定全都要用上,也不能一个都不用 英语作文 Our Future World call in question是什么意思? Called into question什么意思? 十二生肖中最开心的动物是什么动物? 在十二生肖里面最快乐的动物是什么急 十二生肖什么动物是肖遥快活的动物 十二生肖中快乐的动物是? 开心愉快的动物是指十二生肖的什么动物 慧敏如果取英文名改怎么取啊 求作文,我的弟弟,700字 我的弟弟,作文,600字怎么写? It ( )seven o'clock in the evening now .It ( )seven o'clock in the evening now .Mr and Mrs Smith( )( )supper 英语翻译这是我的校园,校园中间有一个水池,水池里有水,水池右边有教学楼,楼下有几棵大树,树下有几辆车.教室里面有许多同学,学校的左侧是办公室,办公室有老师,树上有苹果、 our class rules(作文) 80字 一篇英语作文our class rules急要 ,快,现在!