
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:44:51
如图,MN是半圆O的直径,A,B,C是半圆上任意三点,角BAM+角BCN=? Some of my friend do well in Enhlish,同义句 some of my friends do well in PE否定 如图所示,点A是半圆上的三等分点,B是弧AN的中点,P是直径MN上一动点,圆心O的半径为 如图,MN是半径为1的圆O的直径,点A在圆O上,角AMN=30度,B为AN弧的中点,P是直径MN上一动点,则PA+PB的最小值是多少? 如图,MN是圆O的直径,MN=2,点A在圆O上,弧AN的度数为60,点B为弧AN的中点,P是直径MN上的一个动点,点PA+PB的最小值 More than two____ people attended the meeting yesterday(hundred) 在《从百草园到三味书屋》一文里,写到要向梅花鹿行礼,为什么?代表着什么? 用哪些词语描写贝壳的色彩丰富呢、 还是she looks young ,but she's at _____(little) forty?那个语法正确?句子中是little还是less,顺便讲一下Why? she looks young,but she's at ___forty(little)快 she is in her________(forty) ,but she still looks young ( )______she is over 40,____she looks young. A.Although,but B.But,although C.Although,/ D./,but ____she is over 40,____she looks young.( ) A.Although;but B./;but C.Although;/ DBoth;and不过B为什么不可以?错了错了,D选项是bothB and C 从百草园到三味书屋中书屋里挂着梅花鹿画像的用意是什么?在古人的习惯里,“松”、“鹤”等又代表啥? I have some friends ————England (at on for from)填什么 The news that they would go to Shanghai delightde all of them的中文意思 定义从句:they invited me to visit their country ,____ is very kind of them 环境标准包括哪些方面? I would rather send e-mail to my friends than go to visit them,it___time.takes ,saves,needs. 组织的一般环境包括哪些方面 let's go to visit them为啥不对 生态环境包括哪些方面面积污染,白色垃圾 气候包括哪些方面? 什么是生态环境,它包括哪些方面? who are they还是who are them They are enjoying them themselves改为同义句 Whose oranges are--?-They are--(them)What--in his classroom?--Many boys and girls.翻译 我要一件像这样的毛衣翻译 录音带They are Chinese women =The women are___. If you canna cry,cry on my shoulder 一组数据中,如果有两个数据出现的次数一样多,那么怎么决定众数 人工翻译英语老板现在出差去了,大概半个月后回来,回来后商量这个事情 I think hamburgers are ( d ).I like them.求I think hamburgers are ( d ).I like them.