
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:43:00
一根轻质弹簧的劲度系数为k ,若剪去原长的3 分之1 ,则剩下部分的劲度系数为多少?1.一根轻质弹簧的劲度系数为k,若剪去原长的3分之1 ,则剩下部分的劲度系数为多少?2.如图所示,质量为M的方铁 it is down什么意思你叫我去擦桌子.--now it is down .now it is down 什么意思. hop is going down this is junk postman,he,a,is(?)怎么连词成句 英文歌,开头是噢噢噢,第一句是it's going down my pen was lose 同义句 ,I ( ) ( )my pen was lose 同义句 ,I ( ) ( ) my pen 空的填什么 My pen was lost.的同意句是什么.我刚来没有多少分 my pen was lost.mypen划线提问 Yesterday my pen ________.0 A.was lost B.lose C.lost D.were为什么不选c呢? I am in heaven.怎么翻译 I promise I'll never lose temper to my mum.Sorry. 为什么臭氧空洞只出现在两极和青藏高原?是不是大气运动有关? “再次抱歉”究竟是again sorry还是sorry again或sorry try again? 臭氧层空洞为什么会出现在两极和青藏高原 为什么臭氧空洞会出现在两极和青藏高原上空? 1.donate to 2.donate money to 分别造个句 帮忙找一段好的文段及赏析文段赏析要约200字 好段300字加赏析啊? 青藏高原上有没有臭氧空洞 为什么青藏高原上空臭氧空洞? i never will be…i'll never…never be lonely 是什么意思!i never will be…i'll never…never be lonely but don't wanna be lonely.这2句话是什么意思有好心人帮我翻译一下 5篇好段及赏析随便只要是就行了 some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer这句话中的come to 是什么意思 英语翻译 I am going down我想问一下,be是动词,going也是动词,down也是动词吗, I will have no friends.(同义句转换) 同义句改写 You have no friends.You ______ have ______friends. he was rude to the customs officer,()of course made things even worsea:who ,B:that ,c:which .D: and which Her being rude made the old very angry.这个句子对吗?being rude 这个主语怎么构成?同上 It is wise to have some money given away for old age It is thought to be a way to have some money ________for old age.A.put aside B.set out C.taken off D.given in It is wise to have some money __ for one's old age.选项 a.put away b.kept up c.given away d.laid up