
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:27:22
英语翻译芮芮的座右铭翻译:The test of a first rate of intelligence is to have two opposed ideas at the same time and still retain the ability to function. 有关描写普通事物却蕴含深刻道理的文章就像丰子恺的《手指》 全球第一大硬盘制造国今天看新闻说泰国被洪水淹所以导致硬盘及PC行业集体涨价,新闻里说泰国是全球第二大硬盘制造国,那第一制造国是哪个国家呢? 全世界面积第二大的国家是哪个第一大又是谁? 世界上第一大说英语的国家,世界上第二大说英语的国家,世界上第三大说英语的国家,分别是哪些国家, The boy was a( ) to swim when he was very young. I remember everything as if it ---------(happen )only yesterday填happened还是had happened?答案是happened,为什么?我觉得也应该用had happened呀。 14岁从3米高跳下来会怎样 my son could__himself when he was very young.A wer clothes B dress C have on D take off为什么不选A呢? 在60米高的地方跳下去会死吗腰上捆了59.5米的绳子 the boy was able to ____himsely when he was very young.A.dress B.wear C.put on D.be in The boy was able to ___ himself when he was very young A.wear B.put on C.dress D.in 请问英文参考文献,文章标题里可以写问号吗 I remember【 】the book to you yesterdayA to give B give C to giving D giving 文章题目中能否有数字 I remember that i haveposted the letter yesterday.(同义)I remember _ _ _yesterday.填三个空 ---Remember the first time we met ten years ago? ---Sure. __ it happened only yesterday.A even if B as though C unless D since 难忘的寒假生活600谁有600字的难忘的寒假生活 发来给高分 把I have an apple改成一般疑问句 find a friend that i can teach you englishi am a chinese ,i want to find a friend who can speak english .so as returen i exchange the chinese whith you.Looking for your early reply. 哪个美国人能教我英语?which one American can teach my english?which one American can teach my english?my english is very bad!but my very love english!i can teach you chinese!im is a 14 old a boyif can please seek me Looking for a foreign friend I can teach you Chinese,you teach me English help each other My friend teach English to me.这句话语法对吗 He eats breakfast at seven o'clock. My dear,I still remember"we were good friend forever."How about you?是什么意 BURBERRY翻译成中文是什么? Burberry 是什么品牌? have an apple 它的中文意思是什么? Can I have an apple?cerainly是什么意思 have an apple.please还有please have an ice-creamglad to meet you again的回答还有翻译 请问:I usually have bun for breakfast at seven .这句话有木有语病 Who teaches _____English?Who teaches _____English?--No one .I teach ____.A you ; myself B yourWho teaches _____English?Who teaches _____English?--No one .I teach ____.A you ; myself B your ; myself C you ; meteach sb english(教某人英语,)teach