
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:55:30
英语翻译你喜欢吃什么?我喜欢吃炒面!我也非常喜欢有时间!那我们一起吃炒面吧!嗯好地! 请英文好的朋友帮助修改以下作文,关于香港迪士尼的Chinese generally don't express their feelings very well in Chinese culture context.So Disney had to make flexible labor practices which fit local cultures.Now there is multiple la when do people often plant trees?改为被动语态 People are strange when you are a stranger.是什么意思? 谁能用每一句话来形容各个星座?不要太长了噢! instead和instead 有什么关系,举几个常见的句子,越简单清楚易懂越好, 英语翻译1:车站就在街对面,我去学校很方便.2:你应该尽快完成作业,以便尽早睡觉.3:目前政府正在努力改进教育体系.4:很清楚,诚实能使人们更好地与人相处.并交到很多朋友、5:如果我 a businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown.as it was the rush hour and she was in a hurry to catch a train,she suggested a quick way to reach it." I have been a taxi driver for 15 years!:" the driver said angrily."You don't think I know the best way she---a story book when I -----into her rooma was reading went b read went c is reading is going d read was going选哪个 并说明理由 she gets into her room with a ladder.(改为同义句)she uses a ladder____ ____ ____her room. 英语一刻怎么读 '牛骨雕刻'英语怎么写呢? (这一刻好想你)的英文怎么读?写准确一点,谢谢``````! instead可不可以单用在开头 例:Instead,they. instead在句尾怎么用法 大组词哦 英语翻译我们去那家服装店看看吧Let’s have a ( ) ( )the clothes store.这些蓝色毛衣在促销,每件只卖80美元These blue sweaters are ( ) ( ) for only $80 each.他弟弟15岁His brother is fifteen ( ) ( )十 英语翻译I‘ve been keeping diary since I was 16 and I'm 65.I have more than 80 notebooks in a big box .I don't want my children to throw them away when I die .But I can't bring myself ,yet,to burn the case?My diaries are still part of me.Might m 英语翻译And legs,I don't care if they're Greek columns...or second hand Steinways.What's between'em,passport to heaven the people in harry potter我想要英语的关于哈利波特的介绍 I liked Harry Potter very much very much划线提问 英语翻译 烦着呢 英文怎么写 别理我,烦着呢 翻译成英语是什么啊 Coming Home is such a m[ ] film that many people are in tears when watching it[根据首字母提示完成下列句子] it is wonderful film that everyone enjoy it very much A such B such a C so D so a Once you started ,you should never give up .start加ed吗 未来手机 作文 这次中秋节的月亮是20年来最大最圆的 英语怎么说呀 英语翻译请你点击货号53615329【衬衫】 打开以 后点击下面的围巾链接 即可购买 请问:错了,应该是这个月15-20号这段时间 这句话应该怎么翻译成英文错了,应该是这个月15-20号这段时间 刚一老外问我是不是12号去她家做客,我想回答她上面这句话,可是我说了发现她没看 英语翻译你们听过ungelivable这个单词么?没错、这个单词其实就是最近异常火爆的“不给力”的英文.事实上、这并不是一个地道的英文词汇、而是一个中式英语.这个单词最先由“生活周刊”