
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:41:28
关于俄罗斯的地理知识世界上大多数河流两岸及下游平原都是重要的农业区,但俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的三大河 流(图中 C、D、E)的下游却几乎没有农田,为什么? 俄罗斯东部和西部是从哪里划分. 地理知识竞答(俄罗斯)1伏尔加河流经(什么)平原?向(什么)注入(什么)海?2鄂毕河流经(什么)平原?向(什么)注入(什么)洋?3如果有机会去俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区旅行,是选择1月份 介绍日本、俄罗斯、美国的地理知识,不少于300字 已知奇函数y=f(x)在(0,+∞)上是增函数,且f(x) (-2)*(-2)*(-2)...*(-2)写成以-2为底数的幂的形式为 Please ____(come) and watch TV. have a look at the watch,piease (改为同义句) please----------the watch第二句是填空 填两个词 please look at------TV.Let's watch-------TV.A.the...the B./...the C.the.../ 1QB等于多少Q点? 请问一下俄罗斯的时区是多少 1QB等于多少Q点?拜托了各位 谢谢 1QB等于多少Q點? 与北京时间相比,俄罗斯时间晚4小时.北京时间12时,俄罗斯时间是【】a8时,b16时,c-c-4时 d-8时 a,is,in,an,school,English,she,middle,teacher,连词成句. 英语连词成句:a,is,in,an,school,english,she,middle,teacher. 连词成句:school,middle,in,she,is,the(?) 1.___does youe mother do?She's an English teacher in a middle school.1.___does youe mother do?She's an English teacher in a middle school.Is her school 2.___ from your home?Yes,it is.3.___does she go to work?She usually goes to work 4.___busHow long 证明"0≤a≤1/6"是"函数f﹙x﹚=ax^2+2(a-1)x+2在区间(-∞,4]上为减函数"的充分不必要条件 在组什么词是两个词的词语 怎样快速学英语口语?短期就能和人用英语对话的? 数列 {an}中,对于任意正整数n,均有a(n+3)=an成立,且a1=1,a2=2,a3=3,则a2010= cctv9对话女主持人田薇是怎样学英语的 there _ on the wall .they are very beautiful .a.are photoes b.are photos c.is ...there _ on the wall .they are very beautiful .a.are photoes b.are photos c.is a photo 1、There on the wall .They are very beautiful.A.are photoes B.are photos C.is a photoD.is photos2.This kind of car made in Shanghai.A.is B .are C .were D .has3.There are four and two in the group.A.Japanese,Germen B Japaneses,GermenC.Japanese,German 俄罗斯时间和北京时间相差多少 现在中国军事实力有苏联最强盛时期一半了吗苏联军事最强盛时期应该是70年代后期-80年代中期军事方面全面压制美国 at,look,picture,the,pleaseA:胜2局与负3局 B:盈利3万元与亏损3万元 ____(look) at the picture,please!We ___ (can see) that the doctor and nurses ___ (operate) on the eyes of the patient.用括号内单词正确时态填空, Look at the house in the picture! It's niceYeah,but I think the one in that picture is ().There are some green trees around itA .goodB.bestC.betterD.well 打台球时,加左(右)塞后,白球吃库如何判断?请专家指出 “影片采用倒叙的叙事手法”翻译成英语.