
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:01:58
形容不顾后果,只顾眼前利益的成语有哪些 帮忙找个成语,形容一个人为了达到目的,不择手段,连身边的人都会出卖(贬意) 与不择手段类似的成语.比喻为达到竞争目的而使用卑鄙的手段一类的成语! have a chance to 之那人是什么意思 电人是什么意思? 化事人是什么意思啊 I have been ____ a chance to study in Italy,and I have decided to accept it.A.offered B.supplied C.offering D.providedplease explain I am hyptonized by your destiny什么意思 I hope for your help because I am a g_____(缺乏经验的)hand 刘少奇彭德怀为什么死得那么惨 “天有其时,地有其财, 刘少奇为什么说彭德怀里通外国?原因何在? 取财于地,取法于天, 刘少奇,彭德怀怎么死的 英语作文One good turn deserves another The sign says'Don't____rubbish here'.A:throThe sign says'Don't____rubbish here'.A:throw B:throwing.C:deopping题目和选项如上, 为什么人亲财不亲 cant you see the () sign?it says "no parking".()t字母开头填什么? 求翻译:One good turn deserves another 求译:one good turn deserves another He wanted to know_____. Awhat's her name Bwhat her name is Cwhat was her name Dwhat her name was麻烦大虾帮我解释一下,为什么答案选D,ABC错在哪? 财益之命是什么意思 What can you see on the grass? Can you see the sign on the door?为什么要选A?A.reads B.reflect C.registers D.reports 毛和林彪,谁打仗更厉害?- 李宗仁和林彪,哪个打仗更厉害? Look at the sign,it's says "No ____(park)" the crad says "No____(park)",it means you can't___(park)here 用适当形式填空 Simple happiness is filled with my heart.是is还是are? the sight of him filled her with happiness.meaning? thunder歌词的中文翻译boys like girls那首