
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:09:30
写作,要一个有关亲情的的记叙文,800字,要文章的主要内容即可, somebody tell me what is good idea for traction which is to enter Africa what are they good at?怎么回答 Last Friday,after doing all the family shopping in town,I wanted to have a rest before catchingthe train.I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop.It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at.I put 怎样建立我们的共同愿景? 中国梦体现了全国各族人民怎样的共同愿景? ugly people do more 朋友老说 Do you think that older people really know best? 英语翻译 英语翻译 以“遮风挡雨”为例写出四个以保护的成语 企业的愿景是什么 企业愿景有哪些要具体一点 企业发展愿景地铁行业的、检修车间的 企业愿景? 大运会的英语作文 有没有let sb.doing sth.这个搭配 毫无愧色、遮风挡雨的意思! would you like to do sth回答到底是Yes,I'd like 还是Yes,I'd like to, 求这几句的翻译秒给好评. 英语翻译 she was all for it ,with a grin on her face just from the thought of it 翻译 求着几句的翻译,秒给好评. 翻译:She noticed where the baked red of his face stopped. 开心词场为什么不能离线读例句?是程序就这么设计的还是我有哪没弄对?我下载了离线音频呀,十好几兆呢,不然要这个干嘛?读单词不下离线音频也能读. 开心词场开始的时候右边不是有显示单词例句的么,现在怎么没有了? 开心词场里例句的发音是英式的还是美式的呢? 如何激发我妹妹学英语的兴趣我的英语很好,我想让我6岁的小妹妹也能说一口流利的英语.她老是学2个单词就没兴趣了.听到英语就烦起来了.我该改进哪方面来教育我的妹妹啊. 谁有经典的感情短语.进来留下.收集经典的感情短语.友情,爱情都可以.` 所有关于stay的词组. then just as suddenly the tear stopped此句中as 的用法 英语翻译