
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:39:39
Es war ein Ich habe ein Doppelzimmerreserviert. here comes the bus 的疑问句是什么 Her father__in 1990 and her husband__for more than five years.a.died,dead b.has died,dead c.died,has been dead d.has died,has died Ich liebe Dich Das war Liebe auf den ersten Nowdays the aged people live (健康) than before Nowadays the aged people live _____(健康)than before. Ich ist das Ferkel People with someone or something to love live longer.A woman is better off with a good dog than a I've been here for three months的同义句 I have been here ( )about three monthI have been here ( )about three monthWhere did you put the key ()this door?以上两个用连词填空我和你感觉一样高兴,翻译句子,用as.as comes, the, here, bus 连词成句 英语翻译Plain,ordinary is the life that I'm livin' Same old routine,there's no new beginnings Where could I look to figure out where I'm standing Why am I burning deep inside?Listen to me now Can you tell me what I gotta do to feel free I know th I will live better than without you如题 谢谢了我要你知道. 你明白么~? 德文WAR什么意思 irgendetwas war nicht in ordnung. 求助 德语 谢谢! 德语war后接什么 "终止密码子由位于基因编码区下游的非编码区转录而来"这句话对吗?为什么? 德语:Ich Tu Dir Weh 还有这句 Eifersucht Drumcover Schneider 请一并回答。 原核生物DNA转录过程中启动子的-10区和-35区是否位于编码链? 有的基因为什么有几个转录本?不是只有一个启动子吗?这些转录本起始位置一样吗? 有人听说过绮丽珊瑚吗?介绍一下. He said he had wlrked in that factory ten years______为什么不能填ago?不能理解为过去的过去吗 he said the shop _____for several years.A.has been open B has opened c had been open Dhad opened本着对学生负责的态度,请不确定答案或者说不出所以然的人士不要回答!我就是纠结这个题应该是考察 OPEN有无被动吧 It s said that you___several countries where the UN___programs to help people in the past two yearsA.visited;operated B.have visited; operatesC.are visiting;operates D.visit;operate two is better than one 是一首英文歌 请问德语该短句是什么意思呀?Das war wohl nichts mit "menschenleer". 巴尔扎克,莎士比亚,爱默生分别是什么国家的什么学家? 彩票到底有没有规律在初中的时候就接触了彩票,可是一直对它还是知其然,只晓得的大概,根本不晓得怎么选数字,怎么去组合,我始终认为彩票就是一种运气,也不相信有什么大的奥妙在里面,所 彩票有没有规律?如果有, 鱼属于无脊椎动物,但是海马是鱼类,并且海马体内有脊柱,这是为啥?谁能知道鱼类属不属于无脊椎动物? Thanks for help us .哪里错了?