
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 07:21:03
英语翻译 just need to find time practicing怎么翻译 what do you want ————birthday(填介词) do you want to do the same work _____me介词sam likes to have friends who are———— him sam likes to have friends who are him 谁的英语好,帮我起一个英文名字吧我叫李佳威,20 男生 长的比较秀气- - 帮我取个有个性的英文名字.有个英文名也有点档次- - 劳烦各位了,希望有美女能帮我想个,跟随终生的英文名- - (像007 am hear ito that sorry(连词成句) We saw the houses in the street( )in order to make room for a large square.A.pulled off B.pulled up C.pulled down D.pulled in请从句子成分,语法结构,时态等详细的分析. 对于I am sorry to hear that 的回答应该是什么 Just large enough to allow the grace of order in domestic circumstance;求翻译 I'd like to order a large pizza.的中文翻译 英语 填介词2 We used to order large quantities ________1.We used to order large quantities ________ Korean manufacturers,but now we are looking ________ new suppliers.2.We will certainly keep your quotation sheet ________ file for future referen This machine needs _____ once a year in order to work properly.A、to checkB、checkingC、checkD、checked 晒太阳可以促进钙吸收,而且能杀菌,不过紫外线伤害皮肤,听说有一种玻璃涂漆可以减少紫外线对室内的辐射 yesterday,it,need,they,to,do,did连词成句如题·答出来了我会加分··漏说了最重要的一点··句子末尾是感叹号- - they、need、do、pumpkin、laterns连词造句没有to。 need,bags,sports,for,they连词成句 she is having breakfast now 改为一般现在时 she ( )breakfast 这句英语怎么翻译She was still tingling with excitementShe was still tingling with excitement这里为什么用was tingling呢? 英语翻译额额额额额 翻译 she is still running a temperature 适当的紫外线有利于人体合成什么? 论文开题报告怎么写 论文中的结论怎么写 设计开题报告怎么写 论文开题报告 They need to buy (one box of) milk.(对划线部分提问) 英语翻译请英语达人帮忙翻译 She was happy that she could provide me with something useful that might be a valuable contribution to my defense.I just couldn't figure out if it were true,what Daniella had against me to ruin my alibi have,not,melons,They,get,any(连词成句)清楚,明白 d0,not,fridge,mill,they,have,any,the,in连词成句 they do not have milk _coke have we milk got not any连词成句 汉尼拔、亚历山大大帝、凯撒和拿破仑谁的军事才能更强 汉尼拔、亚历山大大帝、凯撒和拿破仑谁的政治才能更强 论文开题报告怎么写?