
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:21:43
He __his home for ten years.a.has left b.left from c.has been away from d.was away from take it take it easy take it easy的意思 【常用商务英语口语,取消预约英语口语怎么说】 英语不好求帮助!我马上就要上高中了,英语很不好,满分120我只能考六七十分,这个暑假怎么补!\(≧▽≦)/~ open的形容词是什么 open 的形容词是什么? open的形容词是? open做形容词怎么写 关于open 作形容词的..he could hardly kept his eyes ( )A opening Bopen这是的open是形容词 这个我理解 但不是有个句型 keep sth.doing “使..sth.一直保持某种状态” 如果这样理解的 open是个动词用,为什么不 have/has been+pp和have/has+pp的区别是什么希望详细一些 3Q 急:PEOPLE后的动词是复数还是单数,那MEAT又是怎样的呢?象这类的还有哪些词汇? people后面的be动词要用单数还是复数? I go to the ocean park with her mother.(改成一般疑问句) He hasn't___Quanzhou ever since he left school.a.left b.been away c.been d.away I have ever been to +sp.last year.一般是指去过1次还是几次? Tom ran away from home last year,and we ()ever since.A.would not see B.had not seen为什么 He -------home for about two weeks last year.A will be away from B went away from C leftD was away from并说明理由 Have you ever been to the square () was built last year?A which B where C when D what 为什么不能选B? take it easy She would like to go fishing with us. 对to go fishing提问.——(两空)she like to do with me? have left和have been away有什么联系和区别?英语题目、求解啦! have/has been in 求具体用法 take it easyWhenever i get angry with my naughty son,my wife will say"_____,Darling. Child is child"A.Calm downB.Take it easy答案是A,为什么不能选B?求高手详解~ 求一份小学6年级英语阅读,有关太阳,星星,月亮之类的, 我的英语听不懂,也看不懂,怎么办?我的英语听不懂,也看不懂,怎么办,我现在都初三了, 英语翻译.严重说明要有翻译的 There are some apples in the basket .什么意思 看图,回答下列问题 英语要对 看图提问5个简单的英语问题并回答 问一些近义词和反义词 很多 近义词 出乎意料—— 侃侃而谈—— 目瞪口呆—— 千钧一发—— 莫名其妙—— 安然无恙—— 专心致志—— 随心所欲——语重心长—— 勃勃生机—— 熙熙攘攘