
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:40:14
求英语学霸,急啊,怎么做哟 谁做出来,谁就是英语学霸! Knocked be knocked up 在英式英语和美式英语中有什么差别 如何规范我国三公消费 《一夜大肚》( Knocked Up)开头的音乐是啥? 那天我在报纸上看到了这则新闻.I saw the news in the paper___ ___ ___. I saw the advertisment in newspaper which advertiI saw the advertisment in newspaperwhich advertised from Chinese teacher yesterday 这个句子是对的吗?如果错了,错在哪儿 I saw advertisment in the newspaper which be advI saw advertisment in the newspaper which be advertised from chinese teacher yeaterday 这个句子是对的吗?语法是对的吗?如果错,错在哪儿 try to translate this for me,please!When volunteers activated a robot by remote control to tickle them after a short delay,the volunteers felt as if someone else were tickling them.It seems that the cerebellum sends a signal to disregard the forthcom recent studies associate lack of sleep with serious health problems.4596 recent studies associate lack of sleep with serious health problems.4596 想知道:associate这里怎么翻译好 64609 recent studies associate lack of sleep with serious health problems such as an increased risk of depression.想知道本句翻译及语言点 “常想一二”和哪一句俗语相似? 科技越来越发达,为什么人却感觉越活越累、、 貌似是句谚语,求翻译cheer up butter cup one day you'll have a smile. cheer up butter cup i'll be with you if it lasts a while.没整明白butter cup是啥东西. line of son神话里的 翻译 现在不是说科学很发达吗?可以男的变成女. 现在科学这么发达 女人不用男人能生孩子吗? line of Process is not limited to line of site. Welcome___the Culture Palace, and have fun___it. A.to,of B.to,for C.to,in D.in,in这题应该怎么选?求详细的解答.谢谢! -lier后缀表示什么意思?英语单词的后缀. pleasure treasure怎么划分音节?怎么划分音节?s放前放后?为什么? Recipient address rejected:Access Denied是什么意思 朋友说哪里的许多东西不贵 Our friends ____ ____ ____ there is not ______你得到的做够的东西吃吗?Are you ___ ___ ___ ___ Even if you are in other arms, I need you”翻译中文求%……Even if you are in other arms, I need you给我这句英语的最符合贴切的翻译. yosef you really need a phone brah 怎么翻译 unless love 有2到英语的连词成句不会!求解答有悬赏in, Wei Hua,summer,likes,swimming,in,ocean,the___________________________________________will,wear,sandals,the,beach,to,I,my———————————————————————— 连词成句不会 连词成句不会了 you,have,do,a,day,at,school,your,schoolSally's,is,party,birthday,june 1st,on,notmonth,year,the,the,of,third,march,is 连词成句.空着的.