
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:29:23
Y 签名:ANGELL快乐每一天 曹刿论战的战略思想核心是什么? 核心思想与核心操作思想有什么区别? 战略思想是对什么的根本立场和态度 谁有小学生好词好句摘抄这是作业不要有规律的词最好是那些书上的好词好句好段名言之类的越多越好我要好多个词要最多 有一首歌里面高潮部分everyday everyday everyday everyday day day day 后面day 是拖音 是一首动感的歌想不起来名字可把我急坏了. 摘抄小学生的好词好句不要段 除星期一外的每一天用英语说 请问是:No matter who in front of this picture may be granted interested.还是 :请问是:No matter who in front of this picture may be grantly interested.还是 :No matter who is in front of this picture may be grantly interested. 请问是:Whoever in front of this picture may be greatly interested.还是Whoever is in front of this picture may be greatly interested.如果加上这个is岂不是一句话里两个谓语了?另外我写了一篇作文谁能帮我修改一下 在门旁边的英语是什么 I can't come here.( ),I‘m too busy these days.Besides,I’m not interested in this activity.A.At first B.To begin with 为什么是B呀? 求答案不要过程修路队第天比第二天多修五分之四第二天比第三天少修四分之三已知第二天修二分之二三两天共修多少千米 翻译Teaching grid computing是什么意思 吹拂的近义词吹动?不对,轻拂?不清楚,到底是什么吗? 吹拂的近义词是什么? heard后面跟of、from、about等等的用法 有人能告诉我"吹拂"的近义词吗?同上 掩饰的近义词是啥? nobody can say no,everybody can say yes. 皇后乐队的哪首歌的歌词中有“so I say Goodbye everybody,I've got to go seem not还是doesn't seem?请英语专家回答,要理由 英语翻译Dongle not connected ,unable to lunch paintman ,connect the dongle and lunch again这句英文是我安装了一个绘图软件paintman后打开时出现的对话框。 英语翻译车牌识别文献中connected plate region是指什么 politically-connected company怎么翻译 35. At that thought he shook himself, as though he from an evil dream.35. At that thought he shook himself, as though he _____from an evil dream. A. woke B. wakes C. would wake D. had wokePlease translate and explain He realises that he has_____ about himself中,空格里为啥要用have been thinking而不用have thought? What are you going. 我在超市购物的英语怎么说再加上一句:遇见了我的同学。英语哦 没办法的哦 超市购物卷用英语怎么说?如题 她每个星期都去超市购物,用英语怎么说? 当圆柱的体积一定时,高和底面半径成不成比例,急!如果成比例,成什么比例呢