
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:20:38
虎鲸是不是海洋里最厉害的动物 Did you go over your lesson last night ,Tim?TheDid you go over your lesson last night ,Tim?The teacher asked(合并成一句) tanα=2,2/3sin²α+1/4cos²α怎么算的 已知函数f(x)=sinx+5x,如果 f(1-a)+f(1-a^2) 函数f(x)=sinx+5x,x∈(-1,1),如果f(1-a)+f(1-a*a) 就是:如a^2+2ab+b^2是根据a^2+2ab+b^2=(a+b)^2分解而是3次的分解公式是什么?如果是一元的呢 已知函数f(x)=sinx+5x,x属于(-1,1),如果f(1-a)+f(1-aa)小于0,则a的取值范围是多少? a+2ab+b=(a+b)a-2ab+b=(a+b)这个公式是怎么回事?完全平方公式误解  完全平方公式也叫平方和公式,和平方差公式,用字母可以表示为 a+2ab+b=(a+b)a-2ab+b=(a+b)其实完全平方公式只有一个:a+2ab+b=(a+b),而 化简根号2a分之ab²要过程 1、a、b、c是三个小于二十的不同的偶数,而且c是a和b的最小公倍数,那么a、b、c三个数的和是多少?(这题的答案我知道,是22,)2、在医院每个护士每小时可给30个病人挂号,每个医生每小时可给1 George·John 这个英语名字有没有问题 (George是姓,John是名) 求一个英文名,姓是ST.john本人内向男孩,带眼镜..举止很好! 不等式ax>b,两边同除以a得xA.a≤0B.a>0C.a≥0D.a>0 I will take all your bouquet if you let me take all your oasis.啥意思?RT Lance是名还是姓,可不可以和David搭配(David是名) 方程y=│x│与y=ax+1所确定的曲线有两个交点,则a的取值范围是什么 mrs后面加女士她老公的姓对吗? Mr John .________ Mrs John is working in the fields.I often see them busy with the work..A.instead of B.more than C.rather than D .as well as there is sth()you said .i will take your advice A in what B in which C for that D at that 这个题目应该选哪个?请清晰地说明原因!1.Not only.to London but she also visited many other places in England.A.she wentB.went sheC.did she go 连词主句 and,i,will,think,advice,your Thanks for your kind attention 意思 1).THANKS FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION ,AND SUPPORT TO ME DURING MY VISIT TO TEXWORLD IN PARIS2).AS WE DISCUSSED BUSINESS FOR YOUR ITEMS PLEASE SEND THE SAMPLES ASAP WITH THE PRICES OR IF YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SCHDUELE TO DUBAI MARKET WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE 2014年1月4日,一辆满载橘子的卡车,行至连霍高速兰州市榆中段时突然侧翻,6万多斤橘子滚落一地.周边村民陆续赶来,先是围观后是哄抢,6小时内1万斤橘子被抢.不听民警鸣枪示警仍然参与哄抢的 2013年4月5日,《中华人民共和国旅游法》经全国人大财务委员会表决通过.这只全国人大财务委员会在行使什么权利A.立法权 B.决定权 C.监督权 D.质询权 是全国人大常务委员会 打错了! 2014年春节联欢晚会小品《扶不扶》在央视播出后,再次引发了国人的热议,当事情在我们身边发生时,会出现怎样的情况呢?初中生小杰在上学途中看到一名老人倒在地上,就急忙将老人扶到路边, Think it over____you will find a way.A.or B.so C.and D.that 按要求改写句子:(1)If you think it over,and you will find the answer.(保持原句不变)(2)Hong Kong is known as the 'Shopping Paradise' .Shanghai is also known as the 'Shopping Paradise'.(保持原句意思不变)(3)Jame think it over .and you will get the right answer.改为同义句 all over the world ,i will find you 和over the world ,i will find youall over the world i will find you 和over the world i will find you 区别在哪里?或者说哪句比较正确?各位老大给我说的详细点吧.我那个放前面是不符合 单句改错,I will think over it,为什么要改为think it over,over 是副词,但还是不是很理解 初三自主招生英语,短文选填67.69答案我知道,4.The little boy will not go to sleep _________________.A.until his mother comes back B.when his mother is coming backC.before his mother will come back D.whether his mother comes back 5.He co