
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:16:04
回答问题(小学英语版)1.Does it snow in Qingdao in winter?回答“不”2.What must you do at a red light?按常规回答3.What do you wear in summer?回答“我一般穿连衣裙”麻烦顺便翻译一下“Activity”的意思 how do you know about the weather?do you often spend your weekends at home or outside?where do your family like to go at weekends?who do you like to go out with?do you listen to the weather foreeast every day? 在用托盘天平称取氯化钠2g时,左盘纸头上的氯化钠不小心放多了,该怎么办,用药匙把多余的那部分取出来? 话剧《雷雨》中,从周朴园,鲁侍萍,鲁大海的台词中各选几例分析,他们各是怎样的人 谁能给我介绍下话剧雷雨人物的构成和关系? 用be的适当形式填空 1.That ____ Dad’s car 2.You ______ funny.3.I ____ sorry.4.____ you hungry? 我叫周赞,求一个与赞发音相近的英文名 shangzhi 比较相近的英文发音最好是有含义的英文单词 英文女名,发音类似于“遗忘”不是Eva 和Eve,至少有四个字母,好像是E开头,我不确定,只知道发音类似“遗忘” 转基因食品能吃吗?如题 谁能帮我翻译这句英文:the world makes way for the man who knows where he is going 转基因食品最近成为最热门话题,你从何种渠道了解转基因食品,支持哪种观点,并说出你支持的理由. 怎样对待转基因食品 多用表欧姆档使用前用不用机械调零我指的是机械调零不是欧姆调零,用机械调零 指针万用表欧姆档调不到零.不是电池的原因,每一档短路的时候,指针都超过0,(指到最右边),调节电位器不管用,请问,这是什么原因? Do they work _____ Saturdays and Sundays?No,they _____.We often go to see my grandmother.其中的空格里应填什么? On Saturdays and Sundays,we don't go to work.(同义句)We ____ two ___ ___ ____ weekends. They have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays.(改为同义句)They()()classes()(). 雷雨周朴园分析 称量NaOH用什么纸RT 称量氢氧化钠装在烧杯中能防止吸水吗 为什么称量NaOH时不能用纸垫? we all____(want to know) who will be our new english teacher I except our English teacher will be back this weekend,___ ___? be of some value 为什么要加be抱歉,我打错了,不是be 而是of 抱歉 of为什么要加 The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought.with the process of thought在宾语从句中做什么成分? 英语翻译Dynames,Kyrios,Arios,Cherudim,Virtue,Seravee,Seraphim,Nadleeh,Celestial Being,ExiaKyrios这个貌似是主天使的意思.是什么游戏阿 Ther prefer staying at home to going to the cinema on Sundays.的同义句 On Sundays ,I prefer stayiny at home than to going out.中为什么动词用ing 形式啊该题的选项为A.to stay .go B.stay.goingB.stay.goingC.staying.goingD.staying.go 牛津6a unit1课文要E部分 They prefer staying at home to hanging out in the sprerrnarket什么意思 describe some of the problems caused by overcrowding急需这篇文章120字左右