
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:30:20
what I m looking for is XXX中的what能不能用which替换呢? ----Someone is at the door.----_______?A.what is it B.who is it C.who is he D.which one is it uncle joe playing piano is the 连词组句 通过捉螃蟹,“我”得到的启示是 The story is not difficult for Linda.There are ____ new words in it.A.a little B.a few C.few D.little we go to school from monday for friday.改错 A:GO B:from C:for 英语翻译 美味的螃蟹为题写一篇作文组要写色、香、味、形做法和吃法要简写 牛可以活多少年 马一般能活多少年? 螃蟹和哪些食物相冲相克? 黑色的螃蟹是什么 慈禧太后活了多少年?每年生日都会有一个宝盒 ,死时 一共73个宝盒?为什么最喜欢玉白菜和西瓜 慈禧如果多活10年慈禧接手政权的时候清王朝早已千疮百孔,腐败落后不堪了.但是在她的统治下大清国还是延续了近半个世纪.虽然迫于无奈签订了一些丧权辱国的不平等条约,但还是基本保持 5.he is a boy.his name is-----.a.gina b.green c.smith d.tony. 慈禧掌权多长时间? 请帮忙翻译成英文“ 这些问题恐怕只有您能回答客户 不好意思麻烦你尽快回复 谢谢” 英语翻译还是有关注册韩国CY的,上传身份证明后就出现下面这个.多次麻烦, 英语翻译结果:七叶皂苷钠的销售金额排名第一,复方丹参注射液的DDDS排序在第一位;七叶皂苷钠和伤科接骨片占主导地位. -Is there any particular soup you would like to have?-____your select is all right with me.A.whatever B.whichever为什么用B不用A The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop.that是宾从吗 不定式是什么语第二个that是 定从?There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to s 你的咖啡要多加点糖吗?的英文是什么 小孔成像为什么是倒立的不懂为什么沿直线传播就倒立了.为什么要在同种均匀的介质下光才是沿直线传播的'教教我 翻译 你把糖加到咖啡里了吗?Did you( )( )( )the coffee? If I ,it will be cheaperI think I,m going by bus.If I () ,it will be cheaperIf I (),I,ll close the window and the doorIf you() ,you can have something to eat.I() back this evening ()the meeting ends earil catch you on monday造句 May,I,leave,Monday,on造句一个英语句子 The____Lesson is very difficult but very important.You must learn it by heart.(twelve) It's very difficult for us to learn a lesson in life__we've actually had tIt's very difficult for us to learn a lesson in life____we've actually had that lessonA.when B.after C.since D.until 螃蟹过街的含义是什么 How Should One Read a Book?怎样读书 How Should One Read a Book 应该怎样读书