
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:54:36
英语作业选出最佳答案does she have ______eyes? yes ,she does.A; black big B;brown small C;big black说出具体做法. 英语作业选出最佳答案7they're sisters ,but they look _________.A; different B; the same C; the different 说出具体方法谢谢. 英语选择最佳答案1、Do you know who will___this plan?A.see B.see to C.look D.look at2、Those young people were so excited ___seeing the famous singer.A.on B.for C.by D.at 3、He is very sure ___himself.A.in B.for C.with D.of4、I spoke loudl jack’s mother asked him “Have you packed your things?改为jack’s mother asked him--------空一格he ----- 空一格packed his things那个,还有句式是啥 Does your mother has a nice dresser?找出这个句子的错误(一个)跪求 完成下列与鸟有关的成语比喻贪图眼前利益,不知自己将有后患. -( ) your mother have a hat?-Yes ,she( ) She sat down with nothing to do except __________ to the tree.A. to talk B.talking C. talked D. talk the tree has some new leaves.(同义句) 男友取英文名他叫桥枝,阳光,喜欢打蓝球, 把the tree has some new leaves改写成一般疑问句. this is not a great labour, and it may prove a real interest. 这句该怎么翻译 Can you name some( )the corlors( )the tree leaves( )different seasons.用这些词填空,for ,on ,at ,to ,from ,in ,of ,with he sat there with nothing __ except play with her cat.doing 我想知道原因 Can you name some ( ) the colors ( ) the tree leaves ( ) different seasons? there are some new leaves on the trees.改为同义句 男朋友叫我帮他取个英文名.大家进来帮帮我啊,谢谢啦!姓就不说了.名:亚成 在线等!~~~~◎谢谢大家了! May I have alook? It will be____before he gets better.A.sometimes B.some time C.some times D.sometime 她是个与众不同的女孩she is a girl ___ ____ ____ ____ohers 怎么填 she found it difficule to express her in English.哪错了 代沟产生的主要责任在于父母还是子女?希望具体的说明,论据要充分点, it will be better为什么加Be? 代沟的主要责任在子女身上——需要理论证明和事例证明.谢谢.最好是找一些比较具有普遍性的事例和理论或名人名言,例子不要以偏概全. Thay sat down under a big treeunder a big tree 对这句话提问 The sign on the grass means "No smoking".改为同义句 They sat down under a big tree and had a chat 的一般疑问句是什么 街上小广告上怎么写的?举而不坚 坚而不久 久而不射什么的举而不坚 坚而不久 久而不射什么的 有没有全的 好长一段呢 挺有意思 She sat very still under the tree.请给我解释一下这个句型语法是怎么回事,为什么要加very还有那个under the tree这里为什么这样有什么规则吗.我是初学者谢谢了. 坚久不射怎么办?一般时候老公都在一小时以上,有时两小时还没有要射的感觉,他每晚都有要求,我下面实在是承受不了, 怎样可以不射而立?硬而不坚? His grandma is ill.He is going to_____in the hospital.选项:A.look at her.B.look her up C.look for her D.look after her