
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:58:40
谁能给我一些岳飞的诗词,越多越好.呵呵,我知道岳飞一生留下的作品不多,但是都很好,很豪迈.满江红就不用了吧,那么出名的,是人都知道.我要的是一些不是非常出名的,但是写得很好的.楼下 We have an English c___ in our school.(根据句意和首字母提示完成句子) 岳飞的诗词 We have an English part in our school(同义句替换) 岳飞的诗 Yes,there was gift!怎么读? 高中英语阅读 求翻译!这一段gift 1! 解释英文词组1)leave…unsaid2)leave…unmentioned3)be worthy of4)a mass of5)inherited from…6)share sth.with sb.7)be incumbent upon8)prompt sb.to do sth.9)present A against B10)make a poor show11)trace down12)be littered with Li Hua goes to the reading-room ______(often) than any other student in his class leaves the book and goes to the (d )room跟居首字母填空 Mr.King goes to a dinner party .he is wearing oid clothes He comes into the room .but people an theroom don't look at him.they don't ask him to sit at the table .Mr.king goes home and puts on his good clothes .he goes back to the party .everyone in t He goes to Room 324 to ask Mr.Cole for it on 脑筋急转弯 Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room Marry,there (be)an English evening tomorrow .快,紧急! There's ______ ______ ______(be)party tomorrow evening.You should ____________(be)in the kitchen and clean it. There is a party at our school this evening.的答句 看了使人害怕这是哪个成语的解释? 看了使人害怕之意的成语 四字成语 是使人害怕的? This is the most beautiful house where I have lived.这句对吗 有些人说不可以用where 因为有最高级修饰 这句的先行词可不可以看作是the most beautiful house 然后把它代会从句里面去是做状语. 说一下郑成功,肖邦,谭千秋,哈尔威,霍金,巴金,詹天佑,钱学森,林肯的性格特征 描写雪的现代诗咋写 ( )的肖邦,( )的蔺相如,( )的谭千秋,( )的哈尔威,( )的乔依,( )的夏洛蒂,( )的霍金( )的巴金,( )的钱学森,( )的詹天佑,( )的林肯 (填 描写雪的 现代诗一定是现代诗 描写雪的新诗 新中国是怎样走上社会主义道路的 新中国是如何走上社会主义道路的?八年级下册第一单元学习完毕后(开国大典;抗美援朝,土地改革)以后如何回答此类问题? 如何翻译"Mr Jones and Mr Brown worked in the same office.One day Mr Jones said to Mr Brown 如何翻译"at David's house" "at Mr Brown's house" "in the office" "at Mr Jones'house Mr Brown _______(drive)to work every day. -Which office is Mr.Brown's?-The one ____window faces to the south.A.who B.that C.which D.whose请说明原因, 写一篇关于感冒的英语短文,在线等内容关于感冒的,要求用到 infect, expert,attend,physician,cure,enquiry,severe,germ,instruct,和一句only引导的倒装句