
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:39:12
what is the fuck? I hope you ____well soon.A.get B.to get C.getting D./我知道这个题最好用从句、但是选项里没有、、而且没有hope sb to do 和 hope sb do 的说法、难道这个题选getting?到底选啥?选getting怎么解释?选不填的话又 t is not _____ (surprise)that many people come to visit.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子It is not _____ (surprise)that many people come to visit. 怎样进一步健全和完善我国的人民代表大会制度?人大制度要怎样才能完善? 我女朋友要surprise,该给她一个什么surprise?我女友很喜欢过各种节,上次因为“女生节”忘了给她祝福,所以她要我在她生日那天给她surprise,我该给她个什么surprise?注:我在上海,她在香港.我们是 所有的苦和累都让焦裕禄受了,所有的荣誉都让—个傻小子得了.” 李雪健这句话什么意思 There will be lots of surprise more than you ever think! A person takes you by surprise. 五年级上册开心寒假第36的答案,请指教不用了谢 1.猜水浒传中的人物斗转星移() 万紫千红()元前明后( ) 古往今来()2.猜谜语:你哭他也哭,你笑他也笑;你问他是谁,(打一物) 英语翻译_Would you join us in tomorrow's book show?____________________________(那太好了) he often helps me with my homwork.与he often helps me to my homwork.有何不一样? 李雪健扮焦裕禄获奖时说的那句话的意思是什么? 完成填空.________ your sister _________(know) English? 德语o加两点的字母读起像什么?是不是只要发诶,然后把嘴巴弄圆? People often buy something on weekends.改为同义句 People often( )( )on weekends.另外一题:Today is rainy and cold.改为同义句 It is a ( )( )( )tody. 多谢!第二题打错了,应是这样: he often did something bad ()other people A to B with C for D as The r often reports something about news 怎么填写 More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a wide —— of goods.Avariety B mixture C sense D combination 我选的是第四个,为什么答案是第一个,都是什么意思啊 英语翻译要求通顺、符合中文习惯 The amusement offer people animal performance to traffict more turist有错误改为tourist后 有错误吗 More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ___ of goods.A.varie...More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ___ of goods.A.variety B.mixture C.type I like the rain.可否说成I like rain.意思有无变化? More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as if offers a great variation(variety)ofgoods.我想提两个问题首先这里as if 后面跟的句子不完整是不是错的 是不是it打成了if 第二 应该是a variety of goods I like to splash in the rain.如何翻译? theme parks-fun and more than fun的翻译高一必修4 Unit5 的课文,急需= = theme parks-fun and more than fun 的课文翻译 英语翻译请翻译成:———Sounds———————— 对某人来说太...翻译成英文 关于《我爱你祖国》的演讲稿. 我爱你祖国要作文,不要诗歌,主要内容可以写下祖国改革开放60年的变化.题目可以自拟.字数400百字左右就够了, leave a message、take a message、give a message,请阐述清楚它们之间的关系.