
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:09:02
Never give up on anybody什么意思 Never give up on anybody. 读音为yi的所有中文字切记简体繁体都要! “我”字笔顺的读法 英语happen的问题短语是这样:“something happen to somebody”可是something应该是作单数讲,所以我认为这里的happen应该+es或+ed,就原来这条短语来讲是错误的.我说的对吗?happen没有三单数形式吗? dress more casually为什么不用wear 请问谁有公主日记里面Miracles happen这首歌的MV呀?以前在电视上看见过一次,还有歌词的中文意思是什么呢? It opens at 8 am on weekdays,but at 9 at weekends.为什么这句话中,工作日和周末前面的介词不同呢 can you tell me aboutthe sad story?那么CAn you tell me something /anything about the sad story? can you tell me the m_____ idea of the story? Can you tell me a story( )the animals.介词 1.Madee lives on the second floor.I live on the fifth floor.So she lives----me and I live----her.A.above,above B.over,over C.above,over D.over,above 这题是错题吗?要是不是的话,那么该选哪个呢 she lives on the second floor.画住on the second floor 画线提问 怎么写答句前面有三个空,要填,后面是she live on? I will be able to dress more casually JUST THEN A MAN CAME UP IN A (___?____)A.in a minute B.in a hurry有谁会啊? Just then a strong young man came with a big axe and just then came the __________.A.wordsB.sentencesC.sounds选哪个?为什么呢? Why did not you come last time?怎么回答 我妹妹戴眼镜 她学习认真 my sister ______and she_________ Just then the phone call came怎么翻译 三个子的字怎么拼怎么读 比如三个木 就是森 '森'怎么拼?还可以组成什么词语?比如森林 I dress more casually.dress后面怎么没有跟人dress后面不是都跟人称代词么?为什么这个没有? 英译汉vaseline MEN舍呢么意思? 怎样读months we often ____(get up)at 8:00 in the morning We get up at 6:00 every morning.对we提问是什么? David wants to play the computer.(翻译中文) 英语翻译“The play”翻译成中文读什么?是中文中的一个汉字! 怎样快速会唱贾斯汀•比伯的?如题.越容易越好.最好是谐音.我比赛上要唱的. play on a computer.翻译 Tell Me A Story 歌词