
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:06:32
初中生看哲学书好吗我喜欢看哲学书,对它很有兴趣,但是我看到有些地方说太小看哲学书会有一定影响,因为还未完全发育,对许多事情都很模糊,请问我看哲学书会有影响吗? 请推荐几本初中生看的哲学书籍 适合初中生看的哲学书 五分钟化学教学讲个什么知识点好 几种常用的导课方法在化学教学中的应用 英语练习题,用所给单词的适当形式填空1、these shoes are ( )(Ben)2、how many ( )(people)are there in your family?3、there is a lot of( )(rain)in jiangsu in summer.4、gao shan is good at( )(china)5、the 西点军校的22条军规 一道语法题,老师进,We all agreed to the plan he ______.A,has put forwardB,had put forwardB.请问后面的定语从句为什么要用过去完成时呢? 一道语法题,语法老师请进!1. and told them that ______ order them to go away they were not to take them seriously. A. should the police B. if the police did 答案是A.请问老师们为什么要选择那个答案,以及另一个答 仅仅二道语法题和一道词汇题,语法老师进哦.1.and told them that ______ order them to go away they were not to take them seriously.A.should the police B.if the police did 2.were grateful to the student for _____ in advance.A.having inf 高中语法老师,请进.1.We should read such books ___ will make us better and wiser.这句话的关联词答案上都是as,请问老师为什么?请问可以用which吗?请问这是什么语法点?请问重点解释为什么不能用which 高一语法题,基础特差, 我想知道它的知识点,并不是想知道它选什么?.化学实验中的很多气体是用盐酸来制取的,这就导致了这些制取的气体中往往含有HCl杂质,要除去HCl杂质而得到纯净的目标气体,可用右图所示装 求推荐教辅书我是上海的,把知识点理透彻. 美法英战争表格根本原因,导火线,时间,文献,意义,领导机构,建立政体, 英法之间发生过什么著名的战争 判断下列句子各属于那种简单句句型,并说明1.I love the picture of the fiowers in the park.2.Li Lei is running in the playground.3.The weather is so warm today.4.I saw Danny ride abike to school last week.5.Will you please show me an i 紧急:求助一篇150字的,用英文简述越南战争.请各位高手发挥你们优秀的英文水平吧~呵呵···· 在初中英语课上 老师说的《sb》和 《sth》 初中英语选择句型转换@@急@@半小时The noise____when people heard his ideaA.grew more loudly B.grew louder C.grew loudI really don't konw___next.A.what to do B.how to do C.what to doI find ___ hard to understand himA.that B this C it D it 初中英语几种句型的构成公式,最后能用缩写的形式表现出来,最后和老师讲的一样.我只要公式, 给一篇 迎中博,讲文明,树新风,的作文(要自己写的,)快 迎中博 讲文明 树新风的作文怎样写? 关于合肥迎中博 讲文明 树新风的作文怎么写?只要大致的提纲 迎中博 讲文明 树新风 谁能帮我起个头啊!急急 起头精彩点的 以迎中博讲文明树新风的作文去什么题目好?如题,最好说下作文思路 颐和园的历史(简短些!). 22课 分课时的 最好短小一点…………拜托 初二上册历史1至13课知识点(期中考试用,一定要是重点!) ....第一句..Children can learn to swim much earlier than is commonly supposed..请问这句是不是在than后面省略了什么...第二句...There was a hole in his hat..It had been made when someone fired a shot through his office window.为什 各位老师请进,关于“语法体系”和薄冰语法!1、薄冰语法算什么语法体系啊?2、我从初中到大学,老师给我们教英语很少提类似于薄冰语法的那种语法,总是叫我们背固定词组、固定用法什么的 I don’t like this colour,could you show me ______ blouse?(other)