
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:53:04
上海新东方方有星期五下午的课吗 deserve有关短语:deserve to do、deserve n. deserve to 如题 英语翻译"MIRROR mirror on the wall,what`s happening in Libya right now?"Now with this new mirror from the New York Times,you can brush your teeth while reading the latest news and watching videos in your bathroom.The mirror works with some very n 英语翻译 有什么好听的英文歌?听了让人心情愉快的.有什么好听的英文歌?听了让人心情愉快的! 谁能给介绍几首让人心情愉快的英文歌?只要听了以后心情轻松愉快即可.我现在很沉重. they are(typing the letters)就对划线部分提问 They are to get letters.填什么) They are 【typing the letter】.用括号里的提问 How many letter are they in "english"? “dislike”的用法 I think learning english is very difficult.这个句I think learning english is very difficult.这个句子里有什么错误? I think -------- English is difficult.A.speaking B.speaks c.speak I think Chinese is difficult改为一般疑问句 名词后面加the要加复数吗,例如:climb the mountain 英语改写句子,聪明大虾们感谢!1:you'd better ask him to show you the way to hotel2:Would you please tell the children not to throw paper out of the window?改为祈使句!to 2楼:可是怎么读起来语气不对啊 一个英语改写句子,聪明大虾们感谢!you'd better learn how to use a computer as soon as possible改成祈使句,如何改? 周总理会几国外语?我同桌说N种,但具体是多少呢? 周恩来如何学英语 英语翻译Zhou Enlai worked as China's first foreign minister from 1950 to 1958.In 1953,he put forward five diplomatic principles (原则).They call for all countries to live peacefully (和平地) together and to understand each other.Those five p i suppose you are not going today怎样变成反义疑问句 新东方的批课什么意思? We would also like to raise some money for them(改为同义句We would like to raise money for them____ 太原新东方国际夏令营报名 I would try to give them some suggestions in the f __of a letter填词 The mother often makes the boy______his homework before supper.A.finish B.to finish C.finishing D.finishes David's mother often _him_ his homework after supper?Acares about B lets doing C watched to doD makes do My mother often likes watching me ________(do) homework 中间填什么?我老师说是doing 另一个班的老师说是do,到底是什么啊? 请问有谁知道周恩来总理通晓哪几门外语? 补全对话Woman:Are you going shopping with me today?Man:No,76 .Woman:Are you going shopping with me today?Man:No,76 .Woman:Are you OK?Man:77 I’m just thinking of painting the doors.Woman:78 Man:No,I’m going to paint them white.That’ll match 时钟6时敲响6下,10秒钟敲完,10时敲响10下,需要多少秒