
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:02:18
为什么有的及物动词后面会加上介词? 及物动词被动后可以加介词吗?were breathed into中 breathed不是及物动词吗,记得以前老师说过及物动词后不能加介词,但were后又应是被动,不及物动词又没被动但能加介词,到底怎么回事? I often help my sister do her homework.(同义句)怎么写啊? 急~~~~ He has no time for concerts.改为同义句 She often help others ,she is _ (help) 用所给此的适当形式填空 印度有11亿.India_____ _____ _____of 1.1 billion both trainers and jeans are popular among young people 为什么 及物动词后可以加介词构成固定词组吗? With so many children____,they both have to work full time.Ato support B to be supported C support D surported 我选的是第二个,对吗,有的时候可以用不定时表示被动语态你能讲讲,具体的是在什么时候吗 i have——much work to do that i cant go out with you横线是填so还是too为什么 .I'm sorry I can't stop ( ) with you.I have much work to do.A to talk B talking C talk With all this work to do,I won’t have time to go out.with---do,是原因状语/还是独立主格. My father enjoys reading newspapers after class.改写句子保持意思不变 急My father _____ _____ _____reading newspapers after class.划线的地方写什么啊?急 my father likes reading newspapers 改为否定句 My father likes reading newspapers___ lunch. time will tell这里的tell具体点是什么意思 My father likes reading newspapers( )breakfast 杨再涵 “Fall in love with you anyway really,really not willing to leave you,but I want you happy In fact sometimes want,is really the deep love,or because the unwilling帮我翻译一下 He has experience in teaching English = He is _ teaching English I have a lot of experience on math teaching这句话有没有语法上的错误? I have a lot of experience on math teaching这句话语法上有没有错误? It is time____go to work.A.of us to B.for we to C.we will D.for us to It is high time you should go to work should 可以省略吗? 1 __it is time to go home.he is still at workA Because B Though C As D While2 How much did you__the house?-$50000A pay for B cost C took D spent3 If you want to be thinner,you should eat( )meatA less B fewer my sister is very healthy beause she often______(exercise) My father likes to read newspapers without ()(have)breakfast. Are you f___ on Friday?I want to play ping-pong with you.这是学英语报2013-2014七年级综合能力提升(寒假)的一道题,顺便有条件的把整个2013-2014七年级综合能力提升(寒假)的答案给我吧!我是中学生!再 we all know that the first diosaurs a____ about 230 millionyears ago. When the first elephants appeared about 40 million years ago. We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons,eggs.We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons,eggs and footprints they left behind.they left behind在此时从句么?是什么从句 下面的词中和at the moment是同意词的是哪个now just now a moment ago at that time 最好简述一下它们各自的区别和用法,谢谢.