
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:49:03
英语翻译中译英;1.电视机打不开了2.主卧有个灯不亮了3.空调不制热了4.阳台的灯不亮了5.排风扇不运转了 take care 还是 take care of 还是take care for,如果都有,则各是什么意思 我的中文名字叫做黄毅,请大家给我的名字取一个英文名, 我的名字叫王怡慧,请帮我取一个和我名字有关的英文名, 我的名字是吴海丽,怎么取一个英文名字我性格有些内敛,找一个适合自己的,有寓意的英文名. 翻译下:我想成为一名流行歌手、将来式、谢谢 【我爱的人会发光】 英文翻译 每天的太阳都是新的英文翻译 英语翻译有经典的也行 不要god bless me . 请帮助把这句{神永远保佑我家人}翻译成英文,要准确的, 英语翻译如上 同声传译的要求有多高到底要有什么样的水平才能做同声传译 声音上不了高音下不了低音声音有磁性唱什么歌好?(我是男生) 好的写景作文 描写景物的作文. 英语翻译Shares of BYD were more than three-fifth off their record of HK$88.4 hit in october 2009,triggering speculations on BUFFETT's investment in the company. You've got three more than i sent you怎么翻译? 英语翻译 where do you sit,kangkang?i sit __chinda,she is just__my left.A.in front of ,on B.next to,on C.before,on D.next to,at I have breakfast at half past Where is your mother?She is cooking supper in the _______ Where is the teacher's office in your school 我有黑色短发怎么用英语说? 短发 用英文怎么说 梳着黑色短发 的英文是 短发的英文怎么说 短发用英文怎么说 麻烦请懂意大利语的人帮个忙,有人可以告诉我:stato maggiore dell'aeronautica,4º reparto-logistica,aeronautica militare-stato maggiore dell' aeronautica,viale dell' universita,中文意思吗? 英语中在肉店用at the butcher's 为啥不用 in the butcher's My brother,Tom,in a butcher’s shop(肉店).He helps the butcher to do sMy brother,Tom,51 in a butcher’s shop(肉店).He helps the butcher to do some 52 He puts meat on the shelf every day.People come into the shop and buy the meat.But tod 我指卖肉(butcher)的人在肉店(butcher's)加's变成了他呆的地方 nothing can last forever,i swear