
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:18:33
关于平静面反射光线的数学题平静面反射光线的规律是:射到平面镜上的光线和被反射出去的光线与该平面镜所加的锐角相等问:当平面镜a,b的夹角是多少度时,可以使从任何角度射到平面镜a 填空:our school s_________ team went to the final secretary是什么意思 生活化学论文... they are just not enough of them to go around还有enough of them似乎是俚语,请解释下为什么这么用, before class 反义词 before的反义词是什么 有一个等腰三角形,顶角和一个底角的度数比是2:1,这个三角形的三条边分别是1分米,1分米,1.42分米,三角形面积? 有一个等腰三角形,顶角和一个底角的度数比是2:1,这个三角形的三条边分别是1分米,1分米,1.42分米,这个三角形的面积是______平方厘米. "My birthday is July 18.I think for presents its the thought that counts"翻译后半句 狮子座流星雨 2009辽宁鞍山能看见吗?什么时间看是最佳时间?我很想知道|! 英语翻译on to the next layer Helen had to shout ____ above the sound of the music.a.making herself hear B.to make herself hear C.making herself heard D.to make herself heard为什么选D?用heard而不用hear __you__ on the playground when you were at middle school?A Did,used to play B Did ,use to play C Used,play D Use,to play Helen had to shout----above the sound of musicA.to make herself be heardB.making herself be heard 选择B 现在分词作目的状语不可以吗? 按要求完成下列各题(英语)1.It was cold.The river froze.(合并为一句)2.He didn't plan his time well.He didn't finish the work.(合并为一句)3.He was so careless as to make such a serious mistake.(变成复合句)4.我们将6 there is way around it. there is no way around the fact Yesterday I went to the department store,where I met my teacher.这里的逗号能去掉吗?为什么? I ___(go) to beiguo Department yesterday.I___tired. Helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.Helen被听见应该用be heard吗 观察每个分数的分子和分母,哪些有公因数2?哪些有公因数3?哪些有公因数5?12/16 5/35 21/27 30/40 27/105 40/45 36/48 3/24 30/75 趣味小测试1.Form what number can one take half ang leave nothing 2.What is smaller than an insect's mouth?3.What is the smallest room in the world?4.Surf the internet and find ont the exact meaning.5.My firstletter is "z".My second letter is in 数学应用题,某检查小组乘汽车检修公路,约定前进为正,后退为负,某天 自O地出发到收工时所走路线为(单位:km)+10,-3,+4,+2,-8,+13,-2,+12,+8,+5.求:收工时距O地有多远?求:若每千米耗油0.2升,从O 英语作文:以"Turn off your mobile phone"为话题.请问要写这篇120字作文应该如何构思?怎么可以写的更加地道? 征集作文:Turn off your mobile phone 你的英语意思怎么写 英语单词怎么写意思是真正的,正确的 (意思)的英文要怎么写? 抛物线的方程y=ax方求抛物线的焦点 求证:所有的二次函数y=ax^2+bx+c(a0)都是抛物线 并求出焦点坐标和准线方程 若直线l过抛物线y^2=4x的焦点,且与抛物线y=x^2+bx在x=-1处相切,则直线l的方程为