
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:36:58
栩栩如生的近反义词和屹立的进反义词 各是什么啊 栩栩如生和屹立的近反义词各是什么啊 哥哥们 说说吧 血了 "栩栩如生"反义词是啥?栩栩如生( ) 栩栩如生的反义词是什么 “屹立”的反义词是什么? We have a lot of homework____(finish)____(do) every day i want ask you some question 为什么不加to i love you i need you I want you中文怎么念 how aboot going to see a no,thank you.I'd like go 准确点!马上就要~ What do you say to going to a movie?Would you like to go to a movie?第一句用GOING对吗 Why don't we go to see a baseball game?Yeah!)Let's go see a baseball game!还有这里 为什么前面试go to see 后面回答却是go see the music make me cry....make me happy..make me down这么说对么那可以说.make me be happy .make me be a teacher么再有,可以说let's go.那可以说let's be happy.还是let's happy.let's be a teacher可以么 《风筝》一文中作者产生忏悔之意的原因是什么,而根本原因是什么? 风筝鲁迅的思想产生变化的原因是什么? 作者的思想感情发生了什么变化?产生变化的原因是什么 风筝高飞时,气体对风筝作用力的产生原因 当风筝在高空放飞时试说明气体对风筝作用力的产生原因及作用力的方向 写诗人披星戴月劳动的诗句------------ and so after a year Merrick had and so after a year Merrick had £50.£是什么符号,在英语中怎么读? 英语翻译“微微一笑” 英语翻译如题 要准确些的 make me very tired tom's father asked him to help him carry some cotton on the donkey to sell on the marketon the donkey句子里的ON是代表什么意思 on the donkey for breakfast Tom's father eggs cakes has on Monday怎么连成一句话 快啊 好的加分 Tom _____ his father _____ character and some everyday habits.Tom _____ his father _____ character and some everyday habits.A.differs in; from B.differs from; in C.different from; in D.is different from; in求详解 草铺横野六七里里的草铺的意思 英语翻译英语哦 我的名字叫婉青,请帮我起个英文名吧! 我的名字叫做婉晴,应该起什么有关联的英文名, 我的名字叫婉怡,请帮我起个英文名要好听又好念,与名字意思有联系的 英语翻译BILLING :On the basis of monthly work progress statements.Each statemenshall by subject to deduction of the corresponding percentage of the advance paid upon placing the order. 我的名字叫婉青,姓欧;请帮我起个美美的英文名吧!THX 英语翻译内容如下:The obligations of recipient under this agreement shall not apply to information which:1,was known by recipient at the time of disclosure from a source other than Customer which was not prohibited from disclosing such confi