
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:22:15
如果,太阳坠落于地球,将以什么样的速度推进?我写小说用的,或则说,以太阳的热量到底离地球什么样的位置,地球将焚毁殆尽? 为什么地球上那么多人? 磅字有几种读音 I'm thirsty and would like some ______(drink). 请问怎么填,答案为drinks.感觉drinkI'm thirsty and would like some ______(drink).请问怎么填,答案为drinks.感觉drink指类或份数为可数,其它好像不可数,我觉得这题应填 d 磅什么读音 some drink这种说法对吗 目前到底有多少人在关注地球生态平衡近几年连续的灾难这么多,都是因个人利益,破坏地球生态平衡引起的,目前到底还有多少人在关注地球生态平衡,有多少人已经醒悟了.如果真是地球毁灭 在英语里姓有哪些 为什么很多人不懂得珍稀、保护地球? 她的姓不是史密斯!(用英语) (她的姓是什么,是史密斯) 的英文怎么说, LOVE is like a candle light 歌词 To like means to love lightly.To love means to like 翻译:虽然那是好多年前的事了,但仍然历历在目 (even though) 英语翻译:虽然那是好多年前的事了,但仍历历在目 为什么是it’s down Center Streen on the right 而不是It’s on Center Street on the right 我们设计部的口号是:“设计源于生活,高于生活;设计在于创造,.下边是什么吗? Go down Sun Avenue and there is a hotel on your left.Turn left and you are on Center Street.Go straight,and then you pass a library on your right.Then turn right and go along it.Several minutes later,you can see a big park in front of you.Go through You are not my whole life, I was the most important part是什么意思 To () () the bank,I usually () () Center Street.The bank is just on the left. 初一上寒假园地全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案全部答案 1.My cousin is (only 2 monts old) 划线提问.2.We use water to wash hands .We ( )use water to cook food and put out fires .A only B also C too D both3.l've tried to phone Linda six times today.What () can l do?A else B other C also D only→第一 What did you see on your way_____?A to there B cinema C back home D to come Would you like______dishing this weekend?A go B going C to go D goes I will visit a friend when I_____free tomorrow A shall be B am going to be C will be D am _____to many pl What kind of the signs_____often seen in a park?A is B has C have D are I don't know_____.Maybe I'll become an astronaut A also B already C too D yet We must not walk_____the grass in the park A across B cross C through D from I'm sorry.I can't______ walking in the sun中文意思 walking in the sun 《鲁滨孙漂流记》最精彩的部分~重点!一百字左右.可多可少!但是=.=不要太少! 上周smith夫妇去了哪里,用英语怎么说 He wants drinking a glass of water.这句话对么? 1.he wanted to drink a glass of water.=2.he wanted to have a drink of water.这是书上的句子,表达一样的意思,可我在想,2句,为什么不这样写,he wanted to have a drink a glass of water,原因是什么have+名词来替代普通动词 a,glass,does,of,water,want,to,drink,she连成句字 一圆形靶分成A,B,C三个部分面积比为1:1:2某同学向该靶投掷三枚飞镖每次一枚假设他每次投掷必中靶且随机投掷 1该同学在一次投掷中投入A区域的概率 2 设X表示该同学在3次投掷投中A区雨的次