
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:04:53
pull the bull by The girl in red will win the game .划线部分提问,划的是in red .__ ___ will win zhe game? She helped mang people who were blind and deaf.改为简单句式、如何改? she hoped many people who were blind and deaf 改写成简单句 blind and deaf的意思rt It is about nine thousand kilometres from Canada to China.对划线部分提问划线部分是about nine thousand kilometres I remember all the things that we shared,and the way you smile at me.翻译成汉语是什么? It's [ about 2 kilomitres] from my home to the museum.对括号部分提问 group members的意思 英语TOPIC,四人一组Share your favorite myth or legend with the other members in your group是要编一段对话 北京惠昌科技怎么样?加班多么?待遇如何? 英语翻译we would be grateful for assistance given to obtain the necessary documents to enable the above mentioned persons to travel. A major military effort would be necessary怎么翻译 帮我取一个港式英文名和标准英文名胡葵娟。很难改 帮我取个港式英文名,和一个标准的英文名.在线等!我叫冯希朗,男.请兄弟姐妹帮我想想一个港式的和一个西方一点的英文名.(港式的就像王祖蓝那种一样,至于英式就不用解释了吧.)分就怎 想根据个人条件取英文名我叫徐钰婷,1998年1月3日出生,摩羯座,希望是名字谐音,而且要有意思,谢谢了思密达-3- 潜水的反而词是什么? 港式英文名怎么取~我的名字是闫泉洁~因超级爱tvb所以想要个港式英文名求大神取一个~ 我捡到一只赛鸽 足环是 2009.10.127666 具体点 我的QQ是619580470 帮我取个港式谐音英文名何东海. I feel bad feel bad和feel badly 哪个对?feel到底是系动词还是普通动词?副词不是可以修饰动词吗? But I"m always alone汉语怎么说 I'm insecure, but I'm strong. I'm alone, but I'm loved. I'm sad, but I smile求翻译? out of 有人知道nature of 这是一个会计的题麻烦帮个忙当stock表示存货呢 ( )more attention , the treescould have grown better. A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given说出原因 求英文翻译啊 He has been sick for three jom has been in meizhou for three month ,__ I've been learning English for three years什么意思 Only after you experience the 3-D film will you agree the this exterordinary technology deserves________(develope)futher.请写出答案并给出解释,O(∩_∩)O谢谢. After this experience是什么意思