
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:26:14
I go to school at seven fifty.怎么改为否定句 I often go to school at seven.改否定句. to one's surprise 的同义词是什么? 英语翻译是怎样的轰炸机? 翻译 products for emerging markets 结婚当天,新娘应该说什么 英语翻译实在有点搞不懂 but how have you been though?如题 Improve my english level,Do you have the same idea?you can contact to me ,my Qq is 840391071,we can study together only rude awakenings are worse than answered prayers 请问这是哪部电影或是电视剧的台词? I am amazed to see you here.to 是做什么用的?是不定式吗?什么时候用不定式? Hello,I am not here right now,talk to you later You don't know how h___ I am to be here. 求翻译一段话.Principal activities of the company are to carry on the.principal activities of the company are to carry on the business as general merchants, importers, exporters, commission agents, del credere agents, removers, packers, storer does this company fill a specific niche in the marketplace?怎么翻译啊? affiliated company,associated company 和 related company有什么区别?分别怎么翻译? 求藏头诗一首:“张锐我爱你”张锐(女)最好是抒情点的 谢谢啦 individual company 和capital company 怎么翻译 有风景两个字的诗句写关于“风景”为主题的作文,想找一句(越多越好)有“风景”两个字的类似于这边风景独好的句子, 寻歌.有句..I want to go ,I want to round..round to ..本人英语水平..就只能听到这几个单词了.朋友传给我的..觉得挺好听..现在跪求全名..各位帮偶找下..感激不尽. 歌词中有go round and round (dj男歌手) im in here 语法问题是首歌 应该知道吧..不是说here是副词前面不能加介词吗?比如home啊 there here这些老师都有强调说不能加to这些 还有一句台词说it sounds good in there 平时in不是都不可以加上去吗 here am i和here i am有什么区别? 到底是I am here还是here I am 两个都符合语法吗 I am here和I am in here有什么区别? "The only thing better than being with you is telling people about 如题 kind of的同义词 a kind of同义词 kind的同义词是什么RT 如()如()词语 如什么中什么词语 ()()如()词语像健步如飞,度日如年这样有比喻成分的词语三个,不要重复