
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:01:42
I live in ( ) ( ) ( )(石家庄市)Shijiazhuang.It is said that中that一定不能省略吗? If you can drena it,you can do 谁能帮我解释下没有写错 在我QQ评论上 848 011 366 "It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop."– Confucius孔子对应这句话的原文?"It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop."– Confucius请问孔子对应这句话的原文? 我要起个装潢公司名称.,最好两个字的,最好是XX装饰. Nobaby would like to go with me.So I went a____at last 31.Would you kindly tell me _____ get rid of air pollution in cities? can we we can 31.Would you kindly tell me _____ get rid of air pollution in cities? can we we do we will we还有一个问题,这个什么时 以"how to get rid of the pollution of the river"为题的高中作文 中国商务部何时成立的? what was wrong 同义句?what was wrong?how important the invention was?the system consists of ten parts.I spend over two hours doing my homework every day.I trust him when did the accident take place?i'm keen on watching TV.I went to the classroom.M what wrong was和what was the matterHe asked me ________ with me.A.what is the trouble B.what wrong wasC.what was the matter D.what trouble it 为什么选C不选B啊 1.What was wrong?(matter)2.What happened to Gork?(What is one's problem)3.We will use the laser torch to melt the bars.(do...with)4.Peters interrupted me.(stop/make sb.stop)5.You are silly You said that.(It is silly of do...) latest 7月6日前一定要告诉我哦!这是一种音乐类型 play all their latest hits 桃花源记中那些事详写,那些是略写,作者为什么这样安排 uncle 的复数 foot的复数 poster的复数 nurse的负数 ‘滚蛋吧,别再来打扰我了’英文该怎么写 打搅的英文怎么写?以字母d开头拜托了各位 Today l helped my grandpa on the farm all day. Today is a terrble day.My classmate's father died in this 《过零丁洋》中“干戈寥落四周星”是什么意思 《过零丁洋》中的干戈寥落四周星的四周星怎么说?这是文天祥的诗,这个地方我不太理解, 为什么电影中美军英文字母读法不一样比如说M读Mark L读Lima E读Echo……为什么要用这种更麻烦的方法读字母 中文中的字母为什么跟英文字母是一样的就读音不一样?是有某种联系? Here are a pair of chopsticks for you找错 我不是想打搅你 用英语怎么说? 是我不该打搅你们 英文怎么说? 英语发音不一样的bike write bike cinemaactor same name takego stop nose notesubway counte bus minutecloud shout our sprout一排为一题 一共5题 每道题的四个单词里有一个字母相同 其中,有三个发音相同,找出那个 Maybe it would be better if you were to write a letter to my dad,为什么要用过去式 为什么英文单词的单个发音和在单词中发音不一样呢我经常弄混了,谁能有好点的办法记吗 怎样判断英语的发音一不一样啊 hospitai ,word ,theatre ,waiter ,nurse 的复数形式 亲们,nurse的复数是什么