
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:21:14
英语翻译翻译:Dont waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not, 23.I was worried about him all the time,but at last I got the letter I long .A.had;been expe23.I was worried about him all the time,but at last I got the letter I long .A.had;been expecting B.were;expectingC.had;been expected D.have;been expecting she is always worried about her mother's health her mother's health____ ____ all the time同义句 she is always worried about her mother's health her mother's health ____ ____ all the time. Don't waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not、翻译成中文 The post has been reported about 100,000 times. 请高手帮我取个和中文名发音接近的英文名我的名字叫钱静,女生,希望大家给我取个和中文读音接近的英文名, 周五我父母回家不晚英语怎么说 v.表示动词,vt.vi.请赐教.如题. 英语自然拼音怎么du 英语中VI是不及物动词,VT是及物,那么V是什么动词像V这种动词该怎么用呢? 谁知道《英语世界——自然拼音》这个用着好吗? 英语中,动词有v vt vi 分别表示什么 柯林斯英汉双解大词典上某些动词旁的V-T/V-I什么意思? “Mom,can I have some money?” those are the words my mother used to hear all the time.In return,I heard,“Why don’t you get a job?Not to make me happy,but so that you have your won money and gain a bit more responsibility.” So last year I got “You're a ___,”she said.She meant I could do more with my time at school.一个完形填空的选项有:A.singer B.teenager C.leader D.monitor i was never (打算)she could pay my money bdck(打算)用什么单词表达 my mom take care of me as ( ) as she couldmy mom take care of me as ( ) as she could括号里填good还是well? my mother was so busy that she could not (a ) any time to go home 英语音标好的进关于/v//f//s//z/的问题许多单词音标标的是/v/和/z/但是确录音和词典都读成/f/和/s/这是为什么?比如新概念第二册第九课,twelve/twelv/里的/v/录音上发成/f/,refuse/rifju:z/的/z/读成/s/ 英语音标m n ŋ l 后s发s还是z就是可数名词复数和第三人称单数不都加s或es吗,我想问一下单词成复数后的末尾是发s还是z前提是s或es的前面的字母发m n ŋ l 请帮我起个和中文名读音相近的英文名字我的名字后两个是“学超”,有没有跟这两个字读音相近的英文名(男性),或者跟“超”字读音相近的英文名字? 谢谢啦 tomorrow is the last time 中文谐音!tomorrow is the last time 中文谐音,一定要准 不能是罗马音 (顺提,这是仓木麻衣的) 求tomorrow is the last time的全曲歌词这个MS不是全曲的完整歌词吧完整的歌曲我听了一遍 后面还有其他歌词自己难听出促音和ん う两个音你这个是1:20的版本的 Congratulations!You look_____than I saw you last time.(health) ----It's a long time ( ) I saw you last.----Yes,and what a pity it is now that it will be a long time ( ) we see each other again.A before since B since when C since before D when before 考察的知识点是什么,since和before,when的区别when是 last time和the last time的区别 请帮我起一个英文名字要跟中文名字的读音差不多的我的中文名字是"一楠"帮我想一个英文名吧!要好听的,特别一点的.然后在告诉我意思好吗..Rafael·Wind可不可以请你帮我留意一下有没有跟我 我的中文名叫黄颖欣,我想取一个同中文名读音差不多的英文名字 想起个英文名.中文名字是卓莹.想起个读音差不多的! (A)Could you lend me three ____ dollars?A.hundred B hundreds C hundred of D hundresd of请问为什么选A.因为three+原型吗?还有这个(D) They ____ a football match betweent 7 and 9 o'clock yesterday evening.A.watch B,watched C.are wat m/z 用英语怎么读 有谁知道a hundred of 与hundreds of的区别后边接什么样的名词