
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:41:41
do you smoke?______.it's years since i smokedyes ,i do no,i don't 单项选择并解释: ——Do you still smoke heavy? -----No. In fact, it is two years since I___.A.have stoped smoking B.smoked C.began to smoke D.started to smoke It is ten years since he smoked or didn't smoke该题意思是不吸烟了以有十年可我不会解释 初学会计学accounting的一道简单题求解答On September 30,the Cash account of Value Company had a normal balance of $5,000.During September,the account was debited for a total of $12,200 and credited for a total of $11,500.What was the bala 悠悠球类型悠悠球球是不是有两种类型?、听说一种是抛下后自己不会上来自己一直睡眠还有一种是睡眠一段时间后自己上来 悠悠球(yo-yo)的回收原理是什么? 句子改错:A lot of good land has gone with the forests,(left) only sand.为什么括号里的left要改成leaving啊?这有什么语法吗? A lot of good land went with ______,leaving only sand.A.it B.its C.itself D.it's A lot of good land () with rain ,leaving only sand,()中填什么?A,(go) B(went) C(has gone) 求翻译land has gone from being the safest of bets to the riskiest He told us that he()that factory the next dayAhad vistedBhas visitedCwill visitDwould visit Jane knows a l( )【许多】about China 括号里面是填lot还是lot of 有时,with=and Does your father watch sports ( )TV A.in B.pDoes your father watch sports ( )TV A.in B.pn C.with D.to This book has a lot of ____(信息 ) about western festival 划出下面一段话表示动作的词语下雪了,天上飘着雪花,地上铺着雪毯,树上披着银装,到处一片洁白.小伙伴们在雪地上堆雪人、打雪仗,玩得可高兴了! fifo是什么意思 LIFO是什么意思 请用in fact造三个英语句子要有关于生活学习的,不要有关于感情的 在澳大利亚太阳是不是在北边? FIFO原则是什么? FEFO和FIFO分别什么意思 读fifo什么意思我是初学者,一般人家说读FIFO是什么意思?用什么去读?靠什么方式读? FIFO模式是什么 look look in the board 这段语句对吗? It's nothing serious.什么意思 用put in造一个英语句子 教几个英语题1写一篇英语作文内容;在美国,与主人道别时,客人应在告辞前十几分到二十几分时就说;"我们该走了.这样重复多次后才真正离开,主人不会送出门外,双方只说再见,要求用英语表达 my dream place80字 The tear,it's 我晕,到底什么嘛? 一个数被5除余4,这个数可以表示为5a加4, 若-5a>0,则-5加a的绝对值=?