
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:31:04
you look tired yes i_nonA have been working B have worked C had worked D was working选啥,他说这个话的时候是到不到5点那,还有 NON-STOP的意思用法 A few American ___ ___ (visit)our school lastA few American ___ ___ (visit)our school last Friday. 向日葵代表什么意思 《小书虫》 短文围绕 小书虫 介绍了梁晓天的几件事?都是什么? 关于书虫的作文 今天上午急用!有关《我身边的书虫》的作文,11:00以前答完.答得好(求求你们啦) John has some matches.(改为一般疑问句) Does John have __John has some matches.(改为一般疑问句)Does John have __________ matches? A;I'm tired this morning B;_______________________ A:No,but i didn"t sleep very well This very tired怎么翻译 俩个数的和为4,其中一个数比3的相反数大负2,则另一个数为多少? 英语作文题目Keep Our School Clesn要点:1.我们是中学生; 2.不随地吐痰、不乱扔垃圾; 3.不在墙上乱涂乱画; 4.每天认真打扫室内外卫生; 5. He bought some food in the supermarket last Monday.(用at four last Monday afternoon 代替划线部分改写句子)He _____ -______ some food in the supermarket at four last Monday afternoon) some john a bought in restaurant foodsome from bought the we stamps post office连词成句 I bought some food y___. Some food ---- ------ ----(促销)in the store every evening. 薪成语有哪些 薪薪的成语有哪些 像1,3,2,5这样的数叫整数,它们都比零___?什么? oh,look.It's very后面是? 什么树35米叶子像羽毛? 什么树叶像羽毛 它们有的像羽毛,轻轻的飘在空中仿写.它们(树叶)有的'''''';有的''''''' 这是什么树的树苗,叶子像羽毛一样,求学名求科普 改错 The young man needs a computer,bue has no money to buy it. 一张纸能你能对折9次?就是说把一张纸一次一次对折起来,能不能对折9次 一张纸能对折九次或者以上吗能或者不能呀,不能的话,有没有具体的数字来说明一下 一张纸能不能对折9次? will的所有用法 will be的用法英语书上的句子有will,还有wellbe,我不知道什么时候用will 和willbe啊.怎么分辨下 That is the man’s p___own car 像-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3.这样的数统称().他的个数是().自然数是()的一部分. the car is different form that one that old man is heathy 同意转换