
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:47:34
八下英语9 Unit 的作文write an ad for your home town or for a place you have been to.Include details about why people should visit it.谁帮下忙啊= =急再给30分 英语Unit 10 句型转换Can you help me play computer (改为同义句)Please teach me ( )( )play comeputer.根据句意及所给首字母或中文提示填空If you work hard ,you will m( )a lot of money.Would you like to be a j( 8A UNIT 5 英语配套练习册答案单元检测听力牛津版最新的 have 和has的用法 人称和单复数 与人名后的变化 到底什么时候用has呢?有时候人名后用的是have啊 八年级下册英语报纸上的句型转换和根据汉语意思完成句子1 She shouldn't forget to do her homework.(改为同义句)She to do her homework.2、He said to Ben,"When will you leave for Beijing?"(改为间接引语)He _______ 两道句型转换 及 一道根据汉语意思完成句子 1.I hope that I can provide better lives for my parents in the future.(改为同义句)I hope ____ ____ my parents _____ better lives in the future.2.Don't give up your dreams.(改为同 请问一下名词变复数的法则请告诉我名词变复数的法则并且每一条带一个举例 人名在什么情况下加have 我做一道英语题的时候 Does Li Dong have a 在百度上看说人名是has,怎么回事 what does bill 〈 He〈 〉 a nice computer A:have,have B :has,has C:have,has D:has,have shall i have to go home before 9 o'clock?怎样肯定回答呀 根据汉语提示完成句子.还有句型转换你们俩有什么共同的爱好吗?What ___________ _________do you both have?你知道哪种爱好最不寻常吗?Do you know what the______ _______ _________is?昨天我们用完了钱,只好走回 疑问句中的助动词是谓语吗我说的是do does不是am is are five forty-five(意思相同的不同表达)_______________ forty-five是多少?英语 数字 口语交际.与同学对话.主题:你的童年快乐吗?要求写同学的回答· 口语交际:与同学的谈话:你的童年快乐吗? 如图所示欧姆表原理图,电池E=1.5V,G为电流表满篇电流为200微安.当完成调零后在两表笔接Rx时,G的示数为50微安那么Rx= 请大家来填下空 I have a pencil case ( )big. 七年级(上)新目标英语单元检测题 u2 需要 I have a leather pencil case同义句()pencil case()()()() forty-nine序数词 ninety - nine and forty is( ). nine序数词 把一个量程为5 mA的电流表改装成欧姆表R×1挡,电流表的内阻是50 Ω,电池的电动势是1.5 V,经过调零之后测电阻,当欧姆表指针指到满偏3/4的位置时,被测电阻的阻值是()A.50 Ω 为什么 leg 和 letter 中音标 e 的发音不一样呢?我是说 leg 里边 发 ei 的音letter 里的第一个e 发 ai 的音 Try to save,the first lovely girl of my life.I can't drop you,though i said "i will not" 为什么leg和letter(第一个e)中音标e的发音不一样呢? the first impression of you in my mind is you are a kindly girl You are the first one I want to take a lifetime to guard girl.请问怎么翻译谢谢了 Can you be my girl friend with my life在哪里有这首歌的MP3地址?我想下呢,请知道的告知,谢谢! Your sockS are white.(用black连成选择疑问句) It's twenty-five dollars(对twenty-five dollars提问)