
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:59:50
大白菜的菜心部分的叶子总是淡黄色的原因 宇多田光《come back to me》歌词翻译 小路和小马去结伴郊游,每分钟走60米,出发15分钟时,小路回家取照相机,然后骑自行车以每分钟240米的速度赶小马,小路几分钟能追上 初中课本中鲁迅作品有哪些?选自呐喊的是:选自彷徨的是:选自朝花夕拾的是:选自野草的是: 叶脉是平行脉的植物一般都有两片子叶.是吗? 总结初中阶段学过的鲁迅的作品学过的鲁迅作品有哪些? 植物中在叶子边缘和叶脉处进行无性生殖的有哪些?最好是容易找到的. 中小学教材中有哪些课文是鲁迅的作品?最好说下出自哪里,thank you~ 什么叫无极电位器 湖北武汉地区从现在到春节的天气预报从现在到春节谁能查到天气预报呀!或是有个平均温度也行呀.现在在外地,就要回家了,想知道家里的温都怎么样. 武汉市天气预报我很想知道今天的气温. 把Sandy has to stay at home to look after her brother改为一般疑问句_____ ________ _______stay at home to look after her brother?三条横线 帮忙一篇英语演讲:天气预报对现代生活的重要性.Is weather forecasting important in mordern life why or why not? he has to look after his mother at home改为一般疑问句 Alice has to look after her sister today.(改为一般疑问句) Sandy has to stay at home to look after her brother改为一般疑问句_____ Sandy _____ stay at home look after her brother?John plays baseball after school twice a week.划线的是“twice a week”(划线提问)_____ ______John play baseball a The boy has to stay at home to look after his little sister,________?后面是用hasn't he还是doesn't he?求详解 have a big supper与 have supper为什么前一个加A,后一个不加 have supper quickly和have a quick supper是什么意思 HAVE supper eat supper 和 have supper 的区别 政治选择题,求学霸给答案 首字母填空Mary doesn't like staying at home,so she is out m_____ of the time. At that time,Mary cried a lot because she __in the school.A.laughed at B.was laughedC.was laughed at D.laughed 感激不尽! i don't know the time because i()my watch at home.A.forgot B.took C.left D.carried 十一月的英文怎么说?谢谢大家! 穿心莲的作用 穿心莲内酯滴丸抗菌效果怎么样?有没有副作用? She went home ,but she didn't take her bag. Jimmy went home,but he didn't take his bag(改为简单句)Jimmy()home()()his bag it go home and take a large bag.it go home with a large bag.有什么区别? what is wrong mary?it began to rain on my way home .I didn't take an umbrella ,so I __(ride)in therain and I'm wet all over