
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:39:47
there+is+a+zoo+in+my+neighborhood是甚么意思 单项选择1.what are they doing?---they-----------a story2It's Sunday today.What about--------------?3-----------do you like moneys?4she practices----French every day. 读什么书能有涵养? 读什么书最有涵养 有涵养需要读什么书 Is there a pay phone什么the neighborhood为什么填in 同义句:A pay phone is in the neighborhood.=___ ___ a pay phone in the neighborhood 用一种动物形容一些开心乐观的人? Is there a pay phone ( ) the neighborhood?Yes,iIs there a pay phone ( ) the neighborhood?Yes,it's on Center Street ( ) the right.A.in;on B.on;in C.in;in D.on;on 35.Is there a pay phone________the neighborhood?A. in B. on C. to D. off35.Is there a pay phone________the neighborhood?A. in B. on C. to D. off 最近,你读了什么课外书?请写一写自己的真实感受(不少于50字)读物名称:《 》感受:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have told to you 还是i have told you 谁正确我感觉 i have told you 是正确的. you ought to have told me earlier这里不定式为什么用完成式 汶川大地震使四川林业受损严重,全省林地损毁493万亩,森林覆盖率下降0.5%.四川省原有林地多少万 浑源县开煤矿占耕地20000多亩,毁坏树林上万亩,这个属于哪里管? 求以下菜名的英文翻译冷菜:冰糖红枣、芹菜干丝、酱面黄瓜、凉拌黑木耳、 梅汁花生米、葱油海蜇、蒜泥鸭掌、怪味白斩鸡点心:松仁拉糕、蒸饺、素包、馄饨、水晶椰丝球、杂粮 《翻过那座山》、《地平线》是散文吗日本作家杉美树子写的《翻过那座山》是散文吗?贾平凹写的《地平线》是不是散文呢? 如何拯救华南虎? 关于(在山的那边)梦想的文章 I love you,but it's none of your business. 英语翻译广州上下九广州英雄广场广州北京路奥林匹克体育馆 羊城标志广州体育馆广东粽子薄皮鲜虾饺荷叶饭干蒸烧卖鼓汁蒸凤爪鲜虾烧卖香酱炒卤肉香满脆环虾广东凉茶龟灵膏还有翻译这 Do you have a class m___ on Friday afternoon? they have an English class () Monday () Friday they have sports from two to four on Friday afternoon.对划线部分提问:from two to four on Friday afternoon. 关于《文具盒》的说明文,要200字的,快啊,明天就交,坐等 就是没有问题才是最大的问题!开始质疑生活的意义,生命的意义在哪里! 自己对生命的意义的理解是? I always help my mother -----housework填介词. My little cousin has (),and he always saks his mother. 用介词填空 he looks ( )his mother Be quiet ,please .The teachers ____ (have) a meeting . Don't make any noise .They -----a meeting.(have)横线上填什么?