
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:03:33
Do you enjoy traveling by air?选哪项填入空格中A many B more much C too much D much too.请详细解答并译成汉语. what do you thing of traveling by air Do you enjoy traveling by air?It's ___ dear for me.选哪项填入空格中A many B more much C too much D much too.请详细解答并译成汉语. 哪一种语言比较好学阿拉伯语,世界语,西班牙语,法语,德语,意大利语,哪一种比较好学, 一些有关英文简单的比较级和最高级问题请问often .quickly .early .far .的比较级是什么?height .foot .的形容词是什么?straight 的副词是什么?tried .slowly .quick .的最高级是什么?“越多越好”的英文翻 苏州学营养师哪里好呢?我想考个营养师证书,因为是在医院工作嘛,我想对自己工作也是有好处的,哪位学过营养师给予宝贵意见吧! .这字读音是什么? "恆"请问这个字念什么?读音是什么? 给予的读音到底是什么谢谢了,大神帮忙啊查过辞海和辞源 可是解释不一样... 瀍的读音是什么意思是什么谢谢了,大神帮忙啊我想给一个人寄信道歉,可是不认识瀍这个字.帮一下忙吧! Do you enjoy traveling by plane?nhcdfhdhdgsgsgA.too much B.much too C.much more D.more much选择什么和为什么 which means of transportation do you prefer?的英语作文which means of transportation do you prefer?内容要求:一:那一种泥最喜欢的交通方式.二:阐述理由.三:作出结论 means of transportation和the means of transportation的区别再加上a means of transportation 语文作文中,有哪些词语可以提高文章文化含量的比如:瞥见(就是你读文章时会觉得某个词用得使文章更有水平? We cannot live a modern life without traveling.The fastest way of traveling is by air.With a plane one can travel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.Traveling by train is slower than by plane,but one can Traveling by train is usually ____Than traveling by plane.A cheap B cheapest C cheaper D more cheap 暂 的读音.记得字典里标 zàn,电视里播音员都读 zhàn.我就纳闷了. 求音标发音表, Would you please _____ this box _____ the next room?A.take,back to B.bring,back in C.put,back on I won' say the words,then take them back.该怎样翻译呢 Mario doesn't like travelling by air (改为同义句)Mario___ travelling by ___ . do you like travelling where have you been which place impressed you most why?有英语高手没,快救命啊 要求:6句, 关于比较级的名人名言 Do you like travelling?Why?大一 水平 用英语 英语翻译Pardon me I need you You missunderstand me ,really give me back I wait you You know帮忙翻译下谢谢 I really understand what you mean具体翻译一下 谢谢 韩国的语言好学吗? 韩国语言好学还是日本语言好学有知道的吗 wifi读音现在电视里很多介绍无限传输技术wifi时,读作【wai fai】而据我对英文发音的理解,i的发音就是i,没有a在里面.这样子在广告媒体上宣传这个错误的读音是不是很无良~ take your 是有贬义吗? take your monkey到底是什么意思 wifi读音是什么?