
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:29:44
It is well known that it takes travelers only 48 hours by train to go from Beijing to Lhasa.怎么翻 It takes about 9 hours to take a(t______)to Beijing from Shanghai.kuai! It takes "3 hours"to go to Shanghai by train.(对引号部分提问) there is a d< >near the window,and an english book is on it 2011年元旦祝福语把你的元旦祝福语写下来吧!提前祝元旦快乐~ 2011年新春祝福语一定是兔年的! 2011年元旦问候语 日本为什么在侵略中国的同时打美国这样不是分散精力吗?先集中精力解决中国再打美国不行吗? 急!he goes to work( )the car 补写对联:腊梅雪里藏 ----------- 补写对联:荷塘月色珠自清 春有百花秋有月,夏有阳光冬有雪.这两句诗的出处?请问你还知道有没有这种类型的诗句…禅诗,古诗~诗歌,都可以 歇后语“夏天打抖”、“中山狼出了书袋”、“两手写对联”的下半句 补写对联: A. ___________,巳蛇出洞喜迎春. B. 风调雨顺年丰稔,___________. 点击成语:含有“蛇”一、补写对联: A. ___________,巳蛇出洞喜迎春. B. 风调雨顺年丰稔,___________. 二、点 我本善良后面一句话是什么 我本善良里有一首男女对唱的英文歌是什么? 我本善良奈何世界逼良为娼什么意思 我本善良下一句什么 英语演讲稿比赛稿子A beautiful world Hello:everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world!When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country.There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds sin Shanghai lies _____ the east of Jangsu; it is _____ of; part B.on; the part; par选哪个? Children in china go to school at 7 改为同意句 Tommy’s book is on the chair. Children go to school at the a ____ of six in China 我本善良么?人之初,性本善么? 我本善良是谁 我本善良怎么样 以中国梦为主题写对联一定要快,谢谢 为书房写对联 仿写对联例如:地满红花红满地天连碧水碧连天(要是回文联)! 用一二三四五六七八九十写首诗 急用 模仿这种说法,用一首诗来写一写我眼中的冬天秋 湖波上, 荡着红叶一片, 如一叶扁舟, 上面坐着秋天. 模仿这种说法,用一首小诗写一写我眼中的冬天 this morning l helped an old man cross the street___to school.A in the way Bby the way C on the way D in this way