
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:27:09
已知a与b互为倒数,那么四分之a除以b分之二的结果是( ) 7+(-1/3)—3—(2.5)—(0. (+1)+(-3)+(+5)+(-7)+````````+(2005)+(-2007)怎么做啊 一个英语填空提most peple had a hard ( life)in the past 奇怪为什么不是lives 不是复数吗 已知实数X.Y满足X^2+4XY+4Y^2+X+2Y-6=0 求(X+2Y)分之6的值 已知实数x,y满足x^2加4xy加4y^2-x-2y加四分之一=0,则x加2y=多少 已知实数x,y满足x²+4xy+4y²-x-2y+1/4=0 ,则x+2y 的值为? 求助 谁有电报密码表 电报密码怎么破译比如中对应257,国对应594,上对应416,海对应583,敌方截获的只是257 594 416 583这些没有规律的随机的数字,那么敌方是怎么破解的?敌方怎么知道这些没有规律的随机的数字对应的 英语翻译.---- ----..---- ..-..---- ---...---- ..-..----. 应怎样写广告语?应注意什么? I like reading in the library.in the library下要画一条线,怎么划线提问? I like reading in the library.in the library下面要画一条线,怎么划线提问? Tom does well in singing .He sings p___ well in our school. I like reading (in the library.)括号提问 Ann enjoys reading in the library (reading画线)对划线部分提问为什么事what does ann enjoy doing in the library 而不是do in the library 不是does后动原吗. x的平方-4y的平方\x的平方+4xy+4y的平方除以x的平方+xy-6y的平方\x的平方+5xy+6y的平方不难 不能解错了哈 嘻嘻 (x^2+4xy+4y^2分之x^2-4y^2)除以(x^2+5xy+6y^2分之x^2+xy-6y^2)的值? 英语首字母提示填空Maybe you can make your o_____ sentences.Have a try!He is an excellent cook,who just wrose a r_____ book about cooking. 第一题:时针和分针在2,3点之间重合时,王师傅开始工作,又在5,6点钟重合,那么王师傅工作了多久第二题:时针与分针在11点几分成一条直线?第三题:在圆形钟表表面上8—9点之间时针和分针 Tom does not do well tn Chinese ,I think .合并为一句 the children are reading story books划线部分提问(reading story books) they spent空reading story-booksA.the all day B.whole the day C.the whole day D.a all day They are (books)对划线部分提问 They are reading the newspapers.划线部分:are reading .对划线部分提问还有一道,I am swimming with my father,对with my father进行提问,再有一题,I am swimming.对am swimming进行提问,不是对swimming,三题都答给 连词成句 home,at,my,does,mother,housework,often 问一英语填空-----a few days laterA、and B、but C、so D、yet 问一道英语填空This event was well_______held attended填什么?为什么? 问一个英语填空Leave your work attitude behind and stop looking at travelling as a task you have to____(complete) 一位狡猾的老板设计了一种表,使得分针每72分钟与时针重合一次,张师傅按照老板的表工作8小时.老板规定,8小时内计时工资为6元,超时工资为原计时工资的2倍.这位老板每天少付张师傅多少元? He does well in Maths. 黑心老板设计了一种表,使得分钟每72分钟与时针重复一次,张师傅按照老板的表工作8小时,老板规定8小时内计时工资6元,8小时外为计时工资的2倍,黑心老板每天少付工资多少元