
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:05:07
1.Yesterday I got a letter form my friend.(同义句)Yesterday I ___ ___ my friend.2.Neither my parents nor I want to watch the boring film.(同义句)My parents and I ___ _____ _____ watch the boring film we got over 1000 letters faxex and e-mals form our reader about their NewYears resolutions翻译 别人问你 What can you see in I bedroom 时该怎么回答? Rosa 蔷薇少女里面的Rosa Mystica是什么意思? she’s my f——teacher. H——name is Lily Green That is Lily.She is a friend _____mine.谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 lie on one"s back side stomache是什么意思 lie on one'e back 什么意思> 为什么师范大学要叫normal university 什么鸟的羽毛最好看 in western countries ,women's age is a s___ ,so you shouldn't ask about their age. lie about us的中文歌词, 请翻译What lie can do about the woman·s problem. when you are in the uk not ask people about their ages or pays (改病句) 翻译what lie can do about the woman`s problem? 英语翻译 excuse me补全对话Excuse me .Yes.Cloud you tell me (  )the hospital is?I can't understand you .Would you say it ( ),please>?I'd like to ( ) which is the ( ) to the hospital .Well,let me see .Go ( )this street then ( ) left at the second cros ZZ Normal University是什么意思 on one‘s back 和in one's back区别如题,并说明意思不想加几个单词,就原来的意思 lie on one‘s stomach 他们是夫妻,用英语怎么说?They are ___.(这能填一个单词!)到底是spouses还是 couples?一定要对啊 英语定语从句中关系代词的使用到底看什么,看句子前面还是后面 有人说,现在是21世纪了,我们已经不需要雷锋了·.对此你有何看法? Beijing is the capital of China. 其中 capital 开头要大写吗? china of Beijing the capital这句话语法对吗?不对的话应该怎么该? 我们不是夫妻用英语怎么说 "我们不是夫妻"用英语怎么说 音字过来一个欠.怎么念? 当他三岁时就开始第一次拍戏了she ____ ____ to a movie ___ ___ ____ of 3 L___ she knew the name of the movie. hold on please s的意思 hold是什么意思