
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:59:20
初学英语应该看什么书,麻烦介绍下 就当重新学英语开始! 食物有很多种用英语怎么说 佝偻者承蜩 中的驼背老人为什么拿竹竿粘树上的知了,就像 从地上拾东西一样容易 炎热的夏天,知了叫.换成比喻句. 谁有大学英语历年B级的真题试卷? 大学英语B题库 谁有历年大学英语B级的真题呀? 初学英语者应该看什么书? what is your name?的中文意思是什么? 张根硕What is your name的中文意思是什么 知了都在什么树上? 怎么把知了在树上叫改拟人句 兜系粤语噶意思?猫兜系粤语噶意思?猪兜噶意思 粤语 依噶 什么意思? 广东话加上"噶"是什么意思? 大学英语1 试题 1.It is desirable that he _________ his own decision despite others’ objection.A) makeB) makesC) madeD) making2._____the dirt from his pants,he got to his feet and prepared to leave.A) dust offB) dusting offC) dusted offD) To d 唔争距噶争咩意思粤语譬如,你甘噶,老豆都唔争你啦,一般咩时候用甘争系咪同帮同个意思噶。譬如话距都唔争你啦。系咪噶 第一题 大学英语 粤语系埋一起噶埋噶意思 是一道词形变换题:So many people[ ],the football match will be played on Wednesday.要求用absent的词形变换填空,答案给出的是being absent,可我怎么也弄不明白是怎么回事, 一道大学英语五的试题, 求会的朋友指点~一道大学英语五的试题,给的答案好像有问题.如下: As the flood victims are living in terrible conditions, I would rather you ____ these relief packages right away.A. post Hello,what's your name? hello,what's your name?意思 Hello!What is your name?缩写形式 Hello!What is your name 的缩写形式会的教下OK?整道题目是这样滴````看得明白不?⒈---Hello!What is your name ---My name is Tony.⒉---What is his name ---His name Tom. Hello!Everybody!What's your name? 2道英语句型转换~大哥哥 姐姐 帮下忙了 1.Does Tom often go fishing on Sunday?Tom often goes fishing on Sunday,______ _______?2.l'm not good at mathsMy maths______ ______. 一道简单的英语句型转换,大哥哥,Don't play a trick on others.(基本保持原句意思)Don't _________ ________ ________ others.写出答案就行了, 1.Not everyone here is a student.( ) here ( ) ( ) a student.2.we need two more desks.we need ( ) ( ) desks.3.John had a car accident last Sunday.A car accident ( ) ( ) John last Sunday. 题号:8 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:3内容:Nice weather,isn’t it?— _______选项:a、I’m not sureb、You know it wellc、Yes,it isd、Yes,it isn’t----------------------------------- 英语翻译 补充图片 几道大学英语题目1.The conflict and confusion of the last decade have already() .A.taken a toll B.made no difference C.caught us off guard D.bided our time2.Finally the soldiers threw back the enemy troops() them from the rear.A.pressi