
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:59:44
These gentlemen want to have some _________ for supper,so they decide to ca 英文名字Jane中文意思 He didn't come to school because he was ill对because he was ill提问 he didn't go to school because he was ill(改成同义句) I didn't come to class yesterday because I was ill根据答句写问句 下列人物在《史记》中没有记载的是?A秦始皇B汉武帝C孔子D华佗 有人向汉武帝建议:凡是不属于孔子的儒家学说范围之内的学说……有人向汉武帝建议:“凡是不属于孔子的儒家学说范围之内的学说,都加以禁止,使它们不能发展.不正确的邪说灭绝之后,纲纪 Jane这个英文名怎么样 新概念英语旧版好,还是新版好我下学期初三,想去买本新概念英语2,是买新版好还是旧版好可我听说新版发音不准 在汉武帝时期,孔子是如何 被放在神坛上 的 "作为中华民族文化的象征,从汉代以来,孔子一直被放在一个神坛上作为*圣人*"中汉代把孔子放在圣坛上作为圣人代表,请举例说明. kite pig ice bike 那个发音不同快呀 rive与bike中i发音相同吗 发音对还是错 bike 画i like 画i bike和mine的i发音是不是一样 The people want to have somme ________ for supper,so they decide to catch ________ now.A.fishes;much,B.fish;many,C.fish;much,D.fishes,many He is t_______.He wants to have some water. 我已经习惯用凉水洗脸了 用英语怎么说? 我已经习惯被人问奇怪的问题了.用英语怎么说 我已经习惯了潜水 用英语怎么说 book和look的k读音是否一样? 我已经习惯于等待了 用英语怎么说? big和kite中i的发音一样吗? kite kid读音是否相同 I want some rice for supper.(改为同义句) I___ ___ some rice for supper. I want to buy some tomatos for supper.是哪里错, Jane这个英文名字怎么读捏? 新概念英语 新版 旧版 我该买哪个?我要买第三册,图书大厦,应该有单独卖课本的吧?也应该有卖旧版的吧?那我应该买哪个呢?新版 旧版 外表外皮 差别是什么,新版外面有写“新版”吗? Would you like to buy some oranges?____you _____to buy _____oranges? Whould you like to buy some oranges?_ you _to buy _ oranges同意句 These oranges taste _______.So we feel ______.A.well;happy B.good;happily C.to be good;good D.to be well;well 选择These oranges taste___(A.good B.well C.to be good D.to be well)