
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 16:40:00
山上流出的泉水能喝吗?科学吗? 学而时习之的时是啥意思? 《Nothing to Lose》我想知道这首歌的中文意思Michael Learns To Rock:Nothing To LoseThere are times when you make me leftThere are moments when you drive me madThere are seconds when I see the lightThough many times you made me cryThere's My parents are (kind and helpful).对括号部分提问.____ ____ your parents ____?(填) 生物是怎样进化出雌雄两性的?进化的过程是怎样的? 从生物进化的角度看,为什么大多数生物都有性别?自我繁殖不是更高效? 元朝开始实行的行政管理制度产生了怎样的深远的影响有急用啊!各位大大求求你们了 英语翻译 the people of Houston have shown great interest in While a person is asleep,a part of his brain is still _____[A] active [B] awake并说明原因, 西方国家和东方国家还没有来往的时候(就是说古代谁都不知道谁的情况下)为什么都会驯服马,都以马为交通工具呢?为什么是马而不是其他动物呢?是巧合还是必然?还是真的是上苍有意安排呢? 不知道是巧合还是...新生刚入学.很多宿舍都还没有人入住.半夜去隔离宿舍的厕所(宿舍是以前大四的人住的.现在给新生住了,但新生还没到) 厕所里有块镜子,蛮大块的.就贪心想把它拆下.拿到 为什么这么巧合朱可,我认识,咖喱我认识,但是为什么会这样 All Eric's teachers and classmates like him.(同义句)Eric is ___with all his teachers and classmates because he is friendly and helpful. he is a kind hearted man and his hair is as _____as sonw是的 填空题A white B black C whiter D whitest “学而时习之”的之的意思? 随着人类的不断进化,性别会不会消失? 学而时习之的而什么意思 学而时习之的意思! (用a,an,the填空)1.There are fifty students in my class.Some speak _______ English,some speak _____French,and the others speak _______ Japanese.2.Last weekend,I went to _______ museum.There was ______ art exhibition at ______museum. Pease _____(be) friendly to your classmates 用a an the 填空 英语1 How aws your school day?2 Good.I had ( ) meeting3 what was ( )meeting about?4 ( )meeting was about buying some new books for our school library.( )kind businessman gave our school some money.5 That sound great!What is ( )na 英语求解用a an the填空 用a an the填空 took 要具体的,要有例句,易懂 join attend 和took part in的区别About 40 tuorists____the protest about the bad service of the restarurant.为什么只能用took part in而不是其他两个?要根据这道题具体解释,(否则不采纳哦……) 为什么有的生物是两种性别 Do not worry!I am sure you will_your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.(选择)A .cath up with B.agree with C.get on well with D.make friends告诉我理由 如果没有人类,地球上的碳元素会不会都变成石油,然后就没有生命了呢动物变成石油累积在地下,植物变成媒累积在地下 Be kind to your classmates,don't be hard____them,will you?Be kind ____your classmates,don't be hard____them,will you?A.on B.to C.with D.forWhy?填第二个空。 斜线覆盖的区域,西汉政府采取了怎样的措施?这一措施有何历史意义? 为什么说:中国民族工业的真正春天是1956年