
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:14:24
我的英语啊,到底怎么学啊,学了十来年,还是高中水平 关于异地恋的英文歌除了hey there delilah和next plane home外的 介绍点 麻烦各位了 谢谢 谁有关于异地恋的诗,最好是英文的,帮下我~如题 我是异地恋,想和他的感情更加牢固,所以求首关于异地恋的诗,最好是英文的,麻烦亲们了~ 求好听的英文歌 和适合异地恋听的歌 标准石油的发展历史 1.I live on the third fioor.()your parents () on the same floor? I live on floor with my mother.(thied three the third )怎么选择 upset中文翻译 upset的中文翻译? 问题+石油的能的来源的故事 鲁迅 《好的故事》 第一自然段是什么意思?怎么里面有石油还有什么老牌? 灯火渐渐地缩小了,在预告石油的已经不多;石油又不是老牌,早熏得灯罩很昏暗.鞭爆的繁响在四近,烟草的烟雾在 求一个关于石油的小故事?如题 要能体现石油的重要性的,故事 笑话都可以 最美工人事迹简介怎么写 cleaned my room i day the before yesterday 连成句子 《移家别湖上亭》作者用什么样的手法来表达他对湖上难舍的感情?结合诗句分析 Mary studied ______eaams the day before yesterdayA.on B.for C.at D.in ●[Help!●对于方程组4分之x+y加5分之x-y等于3,与4分之x+y减5分之x-y等于-1,不妨设4分之x+y等于u,5分之x-y等于=v(方程组),则原方程组变成以u,v为未知数的方程组是_________,__________,(方程组),解 He didn't agree with me, so he r to do things. i didn't catch waht he said. He spoke_____ fast for me _____ follow.A.so/thatB.such/thatC.too/toD.enough/to为什么? 如果是固定词组,那A和B为什么不行??~~ He did not agree with you because he felt __________ about the situation from you.为什么总没有选项中的答案 The manage,____it clear to us that he didn't agree with us ,left the meeting room.1.who has made2.having made为什么?manager,____ I think it's a good room for us to live in.为什么要填live in 计算(2x的2次方-1)(x-4) 化简x(x-1)+2x(x+1)-3x(2x-5)化简,再求值:x的2次方(x-1)-x(x的2次方+x-1),其中x=2分之1解方程:-3x(2-x)=x(3x-1)+512(a-b)的5次方÷3(a-b)的4次方(4×10的9次方)÷(-2×10的3次方) x的2次方+2x-3(x的2次方-2/3x) 其中x=-1/2化简求值 化简求值2x的2次方-2[3x-2(-x的2次方+2x-1)],其中x=1/2 空着的那些.急 He didn't agree with me at first ,but I ---persuade himA am able to B needed C could D dared 几个关于国家和城市的英语题?1.In what city can you see the White House?2.In what city can you see the Eiffel Tower?3.Which country is to the onrth of the America?4.Which state of America is in the Pacific Ocean?5.Which country is Venice i I agree with you .=I have()()()()you.要求一空一词如题 I don't agree with you .I have o___ views and i______ 先化简,再求值(2x的2次方-x-1)-(x的2次方-x-3分之1)+(3x的2次方-3又3分之1),其中x=2分之3 充分的近义词