
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:18:52
how much will you(give.pay) me?why how much money will you cost on your coat?改错 1.what will you be in ten years 2.it seemd that his mother liked that coat very much的同意句1.what will you be in ten years =what will you become 10 years { }{ 2.it seemd that his mother liked that coat very much=his mother{ }{ }{ }that coat very You want to give each of your 9 friends 9 flowers.Each fiowers is 9 dollars.How much will you pay?这道题的翻译及其回答 “践行社会主义核心价值观争做美德少年”的书信格式作文怎么写 what.is.eight.and.four?的意思是什么? It's quite windy .Keep all the windows and doors____(close).这个填什么啊. 证.一元二次方程ax2+bx2+c=0至多有2个不同的实数根 用描述法表示集合{1,1/2,1/3,1/4},怎么表示?…… 如果高一数学学得很差,有没有什么补救方法? 高一数学,第三小题怎么做 she (形容词性物主代词) 1高数题.求解答10答案D是错的 初一下册语文课时达标答案26到完!快快 主谓一致,语法形式上一致、意义一致、就近原则怎么个一致法,请详细点 语法结构类型是什么 doors,did,windows,close,all,the,you,ang,the(?) 连词成句 什么是“语法形式”和“语法意义”?请尽量讲得浅显、易懂一些, 关于三单形式的语法大声的音乐让我紧张 Loud music makes me tense .悲伤的电影让她想要离开 Sad movies make her want to leave.为什么"Loud music"后面加“makes”但是"sad movies"后面加的是"make"而不是三单形 应用社会学是什么? 儒家算不算宗教,请用宗教社会学的角度分析 加急!求帮助:关于社会学研究方法里的统计计算题的解答,如相关分析、回归分析、卡方等越详细越好,最好有列题解答,请求各位大侠援助,考研时间紧迫,速救! 高数问题10 高等数学第10题 为什么高等数学里1+1=10 来到上面一个合,下面一个羽读什么?不高兴查字典了,顺便把 动的意思也告诉我, don't forget to close doors and Windows;don't forget to close doors or Windows;为什么是and don't 开头的不是否定句吗? 英语纠错,语法,单词,词组要不要分开来记? 在线等英语语法纠错(单词 语法)Here it comes; some people may think that the pet dogs can make up a big business market if we take some good measures to rule it.However I think we need to realize the serious situation.On account to pet 社会科学中的有机体的含义是什么?比如在社会学中? 英语广播词纠错这是我们第一次英语广播的词,写得很哈比,希望高人们能给改一下或润色一下,Merry Christmas my audience,this is school English broadcasting.as you can find,here comes the new four-ABCD.as the new members don,t,to,close,windows,forget,leave,when,the,合并句子