
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:45:17
深深的喜欢,浅浅的爱翻译是Deep liking, shallow loves ,为什么前面的like要加ing,而love是加s最正确的翻译是什么? Here are some of the most popular reason for people to hike 什么意思 I am sure they can finish the work____(success) Do you __k_ watching TV?一个英语单词,四个字母,中间是K. student 和pupil有什么区别 associate phd student 是什么职位 中国近代第一次有清政府主导的自救探索开始了,.他继承了魏源的“师夷长技以制夷”的思想,提出了,“自强”“求富”的主张1.材料中的“自救探索”只得是什么运动?2.这场运动的口号和目 i think (playing)is (不填)great fun谁能解释以下括号里为啥填那些而不填原形和a? 关于魏源提出“师夷长技以制夷”的观点“急”!魏源编著的《海国图志》提出的师夷长技以制夷的主张,你认为“师夷长技”能够“制夷”吗? 魏源提出"师夷长技以制夷"中关于长技魏源在中提出"师夷长技以制夷".他所说的"长技"在当时不可能包括A军事技术,B政治制度,C科学技术,D文化制度.为什么? 在《杨修之死》中你认为杨修是不是个聪明人?为什么? 魏源面对哪次战争发出了“师夷长技以制夷”的口号? 从杨修之死中可以看出杨修曹操是什么样的人 九上语文杨修之死杨修是一个怎么样的人 He thinks it is a good news 哪儿错了 He thinks it's a good news 这句话哪里错了 I‘d like to have a lion as my pet because the lion is strong and everyone thinks it is the kingof the forest.Your own sentence:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 近代中国师夷长技和变法维新的实践分别是什么 提出“师夷长技以制宜”的思想家是谁?你还知道近代中国的哪些思想家? what do you ask him加什么介词 He looks u_____________ . What did you say to him ?He looks u_____________ . What did you say to him ? 13. If you have a t_______________ , you should see a dentist. 14. Don’t think much of the r_____________ of the exam . 15. You must look a______ 写笑容像百合花一样纯洁的好处是什么急 We would like to spend our holiday in France this winter.(就划线部分提问) in France是划线部分 首个回答告诉我fuck神马意思必采纳 1._____stamps is my hobby.2.He's a reaiiy famous _____.3.Have you _____ any stamps from China?4.We have _____ picture on the wall.5.Look at the three beautiful ______ on the stage.从这些词语中选择填空another man collecting women got can you get any stamps from china?的错误出在哪 “杨修为人恃才放旷,数犯曹操之忌”中“为人”的意思我的答案上是“平日行事”但“为人”不就是“做人”吗? I have got some Chinese stamps(改为一般疑问句) How many Chinese stamps have you ______(收集)? 随着杨修数犯曹操之忌 曹操心理发生了怎样的变化 从课文中找出并填写 The use 1000 dollars for charity.The form shows they give___to homeless children every year.Disabled people 30% Homeless children 40%Drop-out children 30%.A.100 B.400 C300选哪一个 下列那些词语能搭配1:保持(水土、联系、草木、卫生)2:(慈祥的、明亮的、灵活的、大大的)眼睛