
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:41:20
邹韬奋的《我的母亲》我想知道邹韬奋《我的母亲》这篇文章选自哪里? 我的母亲邹韬奋赏析怎么写? 电力安全事故:因高压电杆质量不合格而倒下,使行人触电身忘,如何赔偿? 电力事故应该由谁调查 He has never been to qingdao.------------------A.So do I B.So have I C.Neither do I D.Nor have I最好有理由. he has never been to beijing.-----------.a.neither do i b.neither have have i i have't been to america .-_____A so have i B neither have i C so i have D neither i have求讲解此题 讲方法把选项也讲了 翻译 i have never------been to paris. ----------. have i. b.neither have! He has never been to beijing,__have B.neither C.too D.also 背影 甜甜的泥土 我的母亲【邹韬奋】 父母的心 这四篇一起的读后感,大概三百多字就可以,告诉我大概内容结构. It is well known that China has ____ history than the USA.a.a farther longer b.a far longer选B,这个far 和farther 怎么区分? It is well known that retired workers in China are _____ free medical care.选项:a、entitled tob、associated withc、involved ind、devoted to 初一语文上册第11课写出了春风的什么特点? 初一语文上册春的仿写最后三自然段 只要春天的 已知数列{an}中,a1=5/6,a2=19/36,且数列{bn}是公差为-1的等差数列,其中b1=Log2 [a(n+1)-an/3];数列{cn}是公比为1/3的等比数列,其中cn=a(n+1)-an/2.求数列{an}的通项公式及它的前n项和Sn what he said meeting suggested that he_with us.(选A,为什么?) A.didn't agree B.shouldn't agree 对于非零实数m,下列式子运算正确的是 ( )a (m的3次方)的2次方 = m的9次方.b m的3次方 · m的2次方 = m的6次方c m的2次方 + m的3次方 = m的5次方d m的6次方 ÷ m的2次方 = m的4次方 I agree with what she said.(一般疑问句)答案上是Do you agree with what she said?为什么?said是过去式啊,应该用Did提问吧? I agree with what you said改为一般疑问句 do you agree with what he said?不是说介词后只能接n或n词组吗?what he said 应该是句子吧? 在加油站里应该有怎样的安全意识? 加油站年终总结开头怎么写 He agreed ____what I said at the meeting,but we didn’t agree ____ how to do it.A.on,on B.with,with C.with,on,with为什么 求agree的用法 最好有例子 英语 Can you tell me__________?A.when did it happen B.when it happened C.when was it happened D.when it was happened为什么不是D I couldn't agree with __________at the meeting.A.all what you said B.what you said 请问选哪个理由 What he said at the meeting ____trueA.proves proved C.proved D.was proved 为什么? 英语语法问题 appoint 和appointment的短语 和用法 春之怀古(张晓风)的第一段主要运用了哪两种修辞手法?简要分析其作用第一段主要运用了哪两种修辞手法?简要分析其作用. 1.Y/X=3/4,3X^2-5xy+2y^2 / 2x^2+3xy-5Y^2=?2.已知1/b+1/a=4 求a-2ab-b / 2a-2b+7ab=?3.用水清洗蔬菜上残留农药设用x(x≥1)单位量的水洗后,蔬菜上残留的农药量与本次清洗前残留的农药比是1 / 1+x,现有a(a≥2) --the patient lokks much better .__what_ is it that has made him __what__he is today?-- Perhaps the special medicine and his family's patient care.A.What; thatB.That; thatC.What; whatD.That; what为什么选C? it is true that the choices you make today make what you are tomorrow We think that it's love,generosity and perseverance ()make the world ()it is today 填that/what解析